Thank you!
Yes, I meant in the UK, sorry! The rules are as Learning Parent says, so the girls who were supposed to take compulsory 3 this year now will all be a year 'out of age' next year, so usually this would mean every girl in that age group now cannot win medals in the compulsory levels, although maybe they will change that seeing as they weren't given the opportunity to compete this year?
Thank you Learning Parent, that is really helpful. My daughter was preparing to do compulsory 3 next year, when she would be a year out of age, but was expecting to be one of only a few, as you say, but now it looks like it effectively puts her back 'in age' again. However, unfortunately with distancing measures, her gym cannot accommodate the hours she was doing before lockdown, so I'm not sure if it will still be an option, which she is so disappointed about because she worked so hard during lockdown on the R&C. Maybe the regulations will ease soon though (fingers crossed) so she can get back to more hours again. We just wondered whether the grades were going ahead at all, so it's good to know there is still that to work towards. Thanks.