Compulsory levels

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Proud Parent
Aug 16, 2017
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Hi all, I just wondered whether anyone knew what was happening with the compulsory levels now? This year's didn't go ahead in most regions, so what happens to those girls? Do they need to take them next spring? But that's when they should have taken the next's tricky with a system so dependent on being 'in-age'. Do they just skip that level and go to the next one? Any idea whether they will even go ahead in the spring? Has anyone heard anything? Thanks!
Each gym and each gymnast will handle it on a gym by gym and case by case basis.

I think in most cases where the gym does not require moving to the next compulsory level by obtaining a certain score, or placement in a meet, if the gymnast can show that they have the needed skills, strength, and ability for the next level they will move on. The exception is of course Level 4 and Level 5 where they will need to have the qualifying score to move on. At our gym and I suspect many others they will do an in-house meet to get those scores and move the gymnast onto the next level that seems appropriate.
Each gym and each gymnast will handle it on a gym by gym and case by case basis.

I think in most cases where the gym does not require moving to the next compulsory level by obtaining a certain score, or placement in a meet, if the gymnast can show that they have the needed skills, strength, and ability for the next level they will move on. The exception is of course Level 4 and Level 5 where they will need to have the qualifying score to move on. At our gym and I suspect many others they will do an in-house meet to get those scores and move the gymnast onto the next level that seems appropriate.

I believe the OP is in the UK, which is why she mentions“in age.” They have a very different system.
I believe the OP is in the UK, which is why she mentions“in age.” They have a very different system.
Lol, yeah they obviously posted in the "UK" forum, so yeah my bad. Hopefully the UK system doesn't have strict requirements and allows gymnasts to move up levels when they are ready and doesn't require a specific number of meets at each level or something like that.
Lol, yeah they obviously posted in the "UK" forum, so yeah my bad. Hopefully the UK system doesn't have strict requirements and allows gymnasts to move up levels when they are ready and doesn't require a specific number of meets at each level or something like that.
Oh you really don't want to even start down that wormhole!

Compulsory levels here mean for our gymnasts identified as being on the elite track. There is usually just one competition a year - pass or fail, although there is one chance to redo it in the autumn. For these gymnasts,most do the competition 'in age'. This means you do comp 4 the year you turn 9, comp 3 age 10 etc. When you pass compulsory 1 you have qualified for the British Championships and can officially call yourself an elite gymnast.

There is an option to do these grades 'out of age' but only very few do that at the moment, and it is rare to be more than 1 year out of age. At the national finals for these grades, this is all reinforced by not even giving medals or placements to the girls who compete out of age!

The original question arose because although you don't need to pass compulsory 4 to do comp 3, you must pass comp 3 and above to move on to the next grade.
From what I understand, compulsory 4 gymnasts will be able to move straight to comp 3 next year IF they are ready after such a gap. There is still a comp 2 competition on the calendar for November. Compulsory 1 will be early in 2021 -so before the British. Theoretically this just leaves those due to take comp 3 in 2020 with a problem.

However, with such a long break in training 17 weeks down, 3 days to go) I think it is highly likely that we may end up with a larger cohort than usual going through this system one year out of age. But who knows?!
Thank you!

Yes, I meant in the UK, sorry! The rules are as Learning Parent says, so the girls who were supposed to take compulsory 3 this year now will all be a year 'out of age' next year, so usually this would mean every girl in that age group now cannot win medals in the compulsory levels, although maybe they will change that seeing as they weren't given the opportunity to compete this year?

Thank you Learning Parent, that is really helpful. My daughter was preparing to do compulsory 3 next year, when she would be a year out of age, but was expecting to be one of only a few, as you say, but now it looks like it effectively puts her back 'in age' again. However, unfortunately with distancing measures, her gym cannot accommodate the hours she was doing before lockdown, so I'm not sure if it will still be an option, which she is so disappointed about because she worked so hard during lockdown on the R&C. Maybe the regulations will ease soon though (fingers crossed) so she can get back to more hours again. We just wondered whether the grades were going ahead at all, so it's good to know there is still that to work towards. Thanks.
I think a lot of the 'normal' gyms will struggle to give girls the same hours as pre-lockdown. They have to have time for the rec kids in while socially distanced as that is how they pay the bills. However, I am optimistic that things can improve and they will be so well planned to work smarter with the time that they have. So maybe still lots of R&C at home and time spent on the equipment in the gym. IF we are allowed to touch it!!

I think the larger 'known' gyms may find it easier to fit the same hours in. I know lots of parents worrying that it will give them an advantage over talented gymnasts in up and coming gyms. But my best response to that it that they have plenty of time. In age is not the be all and end all. And the current discussions are emphasizing that more and more. Staying fit and healthy and getting to the end goal a couple of years later would still be an amazing achievement.
Yes, I agree with all you say. And she can keep practising the R&C at home, as she has been. I just feel for her - for 4 years (from ages 5 to 9), no one believed in her enough to offer her this route, although it's what she's always wanted, then this year, she finally was given the hours and the plan to try it, and she was so happy, then this happens! I just hope she ends up satisfied with however it pans out...
There is an option to do these grades 'out of age' but only very few do that at the moment, and it is rare to be more than 1 year out of age. At the national finals for these grades, this is all reinforced by not even giving medals or placements to the girls who compete out of age!

Theoretically this just leaves those due to take comp 3 in 2020 with a problem.

Respectfully I don't think this is true at all.

In 2019 Compulsory 2 36 were in age and 18 out of age (1/3 out of age). Compulsory 1 was even higher with 23 in age and 15 out of age (40% out of age) Definitely not "very few". Out of age is a very large chunk of the competitors. Which is great.

Compulsory 3 should not be an issue because it is taken in region and doesn't need an arranged national competition. So regions can organise a small local competition near the end of the year to get kids through. Or even wait until February/ March and tag it onto a regional grades competition. It's not ideal but definitely workable. After all it's not a case of learning new skills as lockdown happened so close to the compulsory 3 regional competitions, girls will have had all the skills for compulsory 3. It's just a case of getting existing skills back.
I agree that the numbers are increasing in recent years. Which I think is a good thing. From the bottom level though I still feel it is unusual to start 'out of age' for compulsory levels, and certainly it is rare to be more than one year out. I was trying to explain in a US way that it isn't something that you simply do when you get to that level. There are different routes for older gymnasts. Apologies if I over simplified and confused things.

I still see comp 3 as a different case. Not an unsurmountable problem, but not so straightforward. Lots of parents are very worried about tagging them on to a regional grades comp next year, as that will be a whole year late. Would they then do comp 2 straight after? Would they carry on a year OOA? As ever it is the uncertainty that is getting to people. A small regional comp at the end of the year when people are safely back would be a nice solution but nothing is so easy to predict at the moment. As of now we have been told no competitions this year, but the comp 3 parents are the only ones left wondering if things might change.
My take would be work towards compulsory 2 for next year and slot in a compulsory 3 score out competition somewhere. Because compulsory 3 is basics. And they would have already had those skills before lockdown given how close the competitions were to the lockdown date. I think more might need the 2nd chance in the autumn for compulsory 2 and more might need an extra year to get compulsory 1 but this is not at all unusual. The skills and routines all build on each other so that helps a lot with progressions. No it's not ideal but it's not the end of the world given that 40% were out of age at compulsory 1 in 2019 and 41% were out of age in 2020.

I think clubs just need to push on as best they can next year and try and be positive. Parents too.
Are BG going to allow gymnasts who qualified for both Compulsory 4 & Voluntary 4 British finals ( Age Groups Championship ) to skip compulsory 3 and proceed to Compulsory 2 in Feb 2021 ?
Are BG going to allow gymnasts who qualified for both Compulsory 4 & Voluntary 4 British finals ( Age Groups Championship ) to skip compulsory 3 and proceed to Compulsory 2 in Feb 2021 ?

There hasn't been an announcement yet. But as I mention above I assume they will just pass compulsory 3 at a regional competition sometime before Compulsory 2 in May next year. After all they will have been competition ready for compulsory 3 at lockdown so won't be hard to get those skills back and slot in a competition somewhere. But they may decide to allow gymnasts to miss it completely.

There isn't usually a compulsory 2 in February. It is held in May and then a second chance/ retake in October. It is compulsory 1 which was held in February.

I think they will wait to see how many further lockdowns we need in the next 6 months before deciding what will happen next year.

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