Does anyone do conditioning at home on a regular basis?
DD is 7, level 3, practices 1 day a week for 3 hours. Her coach was remarking the other day on how DD's splits are not where she would like them to be. With them only practicing once a week I don't really know realistically how good she would expect them to be though. So my question is- do you recommend doing conditioning and stretching at home? I don't want to be a crazy gym parent and I don't want to put pressure on DD regarding gymnastics- that's for her coaches to do. But I wonder if we just spent 30 min a day stretching and conditioning if that would be helpful? And not make me a crazy pushy parent?
I was thinking about getting a pull-up bar for the doorway and haivng us all use it- I need to work on my upper body strength as well.
I figured if we did it as a family it would be more fun. And hopefully it would help her in the gym and increase her strength which I would hope would decrease the risk of injuries. Any thoughts?
DD is 7, level 3, practices 1 day a week for 3 hours. Her coach was remarking the other day on how DD's splits are not where she would like them to be. With them only practicing once a week I don't really know realistically how good she would expect them to be though. So my question is- do you recommend doing conditioning and stretching at home? I don't want to be a crazy gym parent and I don't want to put pressure on DD regarding gymnastics- that's for her coaches to do. But I wonder if we just spent 30 min a day stretching and conditioning if that would be helpful? And not make me a crazy pushy parent?
I was thinking about getting a pull-up bar for the doorway and haivng us all use it- I need to work on my upper body strength as well.