Off Topic Converting video to stills

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Oct 4, 2009
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So how do you all do it? I want to take some of my videos and turn them into stills, i have a mac if that helps
Have you tried iMovie? It should be bundled with your mac. I haven't used it in a while but I think it's file menu/save frame, then you can export it to a jpeg file.

You can do it in quicktime too, but I think you need the paid for version, most macs are bundled with the freeware only.
I have managed to now make a still in imovie but i don't know how to get it from there to iphoto, so any tips on this or my previous question are most welcome
Open your iphoto and drag your saved image.
I don't have anything high tech, but I pull up the video on any video playing program on my computer. When I get to an area that I want to capture, I pause it. Sometimes it takes several tries to get the frame that I want. Then I press the Print Screen key on my keyboard. Open Paint, which is standard with most PCs. Press CTRL+V to past the photo into Paint. Crop to your desired size. Go to File, Save As and then save it as a .jpg file. Works for me, albiet time consuming and a little backwords.

The only issue I've had doing it this way is that I've had trouble uploading these to places like Walgreens Online to be printed. I had to find a file converter online before it would let me. Still, it wasn't all that bad.
On a mac (or any computer!), you can simply take a screenshot. Pause the video where you want the pic from, then SHIFT+COMMAND+4. Your mouse will turn into a little "+" shape, just drag over the area you want to take a picture of. The photo will be on your desktop, and you can even drag it to iphoto if you are so inclined!
You can actually do it on your camera, I do it ALL the time, on my camera I press pause on the video where I want to then click the 'E' button on my camera, it then asks me if i want to make this a picture i click yes or 'OK' :D

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