WAG Crop tops/sports bras

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I am not aware of a specific rule against it, but I have not seen any sports bras only in the gym. Shorts are allowed and it seems that many of the older girls (teens) wear them but most of the younger girls do not.
This is so funny! I never knew our gym was in the minority. Keep in mind we are not air conditioned or even heated very well, but there is a "big girl" "little girl" division at our gym. (I'm only talking team - I think Rec can wear pretty much anything).

The big girls wear layers: sports bra, leo, booty shorts, and then leggings/capris and long sleeve fitted shirts if it's cold. Then layers come off according to temperature, but if it's warm, by end of practice all the older girls will be in booty shorts, leo rolled down around their waists and sports bras exposed. I've never thought twice about it.

I think shortly before meet season they are required to lose the booty shorts to become comfortable competing "exposed", but then again maybe not. Most of these girls have been competing many years and have very little in the way of modesty issues. In fact, sometimes you have to remind them to "Put on some d**n clothes!" before walking out of the gym.

The younger girls tend to be leotard only (with additional layers for warmth). It's a "thing" when they move to Optional and change the way they dress :-)
Crop tops and shorts are the uniform of choice at almost every club in my part of Australia. Our coach has them wear leos during comp season, which is only a couple of months. The rest of the year its pretty rare to see a leo.
ODD gym leos only with or without bar shorts
YDD crop tops, shorts leos etc for artistic
YDD T&T leos only with or without shorts
Leos only, shorts can be worn but it's discouraged during meet week.
No short, no crops, no t-shirts - leos only
We also have training leos that the girls wear 3 of the 5 days.
Leos only at my daughters' gym. A well-known gym near my daughter's allows bras and shorts. I think it's the coach's choice.
It seems like all of us from Australia have a similar experience.

Most of the kids in most of the gyms here wear crop tops and shorts. Especially now because it is Summer time and has been very hot all around the country.

I allow the girls to wear Crop tops or tank tops or leotards. Bike shorts and capris are fine too.
In summer way down under in our part of Australia it gets very, very hot.
Croppies are absolutely the favourite thing to wear-here its a safety issue where gymnasts simply overheat if not allowed to wear a crop top.

Generally they start the morning session in a regular leo, then change as the day warms up. Afternoon sessions they usually start in a crop top.
I'm with you here especially in country towns where gyms are tin sheds no air con. With temps getting to 40 Celsius (100 degrees Fahrenheit) crops and bike shots are defiantly the best option. All of our Australian leotard manufactures make half tops so we have the same if not more choices in half tops compared to leotards.
In my previous gym the kids were allowed to wear crop tops and it was a "thing" there. The older girls started the trend and the younger ones followed. Suddenly all the kids were wearing them. They wear those mostly during summer when it's very warm. I'm ok with that but sometimes the kids get very sweaty and it's not that nice to spot them. But I can deal with that because I know how hot it is and how uncomfortable leos are in summer. We didn't have any male coaches there and even some of the younger female coaches were wearing only sports bra and shorts or thighs during summer training.

In my current gym I haven't seen anyone wear crop tops and I don't actually know if they are allowed to do so. Maybe they wore those in the summer, I don't know because I didn't start here until September.
Another Aussie here and I'd say in our gym it is 50/50 leos Vs crops/singlets & shorts. Nearly every girl wears bar shorts. They take the shorts off for the 'practise' routines for around two weeks before a comp date and often are required to wear the team leo (long sleeve) too.

Here is a link to an Aussie leo designer who does the crops and longer singlets if anyone is interested: https://sylviap.com.au/
Our girls also have more of the 'cheer' style crops from GK and various sports brands sports bras. My DD however will wear nothing that isn't a sleeveless leo :p

The boys wear the GK team shorts and a t-shirt which they take off for some events (upside down hold stuff) and whenever they get hot! My DS (6) loves this and given the hot weather we are having, practises mostly half naked - way worse than the girls for spotting IMO!!
I just like the look of the singlets or even the crop tops. You can clearly tell the tops are shirts and not just sports bras. That's the style I try to find when looking for a swimsuit too. I feel more dressed in a top and shorts than in a swimsuit.
I'm in Australia, too, but where we are, heat isn't often an issue. So it's leos and shorts for 100% of girls at DD's gym.

Some of the kids in rec wear tanks and shorts, and I think I've seen one or two in rec in a crop top and shorts. Mind you, I've also seen kids in rec in long skirts, and dancing/ice skating leotards with tulle skirts, too... Crazy what some parents think is safe to wear while hanging upside down on a bar!
Australia here. It is rare to see a leotard on a kid over about six in summer at my daughter's gym. It almost seems like a rite of passage when a youngster stops wearing a leotard and gets her first crop top. (This seems to happen at about the same time as they lose their little toddler pot belly and start showing abs).

Winter tends to be when the older girls pull out leotards, often long sleeved ones. Still worn with shorts. But you'll still see the occasional crop top set on a slightly blue and goose-bumpy looking girl.
I really don't understand the banning of shorts at all. Like, why? What is the point? My girls come in with just leotards, and sometimes they wear shorts or capris. I really couldn't care less. they compete fine, too. I have way more important things to worry about.

Also, keep in mind that the word "gymnastics" stems from some Greek variations meaning "naked," or "to compete naked." I think we've come quite far, as far as modesty is concerned. ;) :p
Don't you guys have air conditioning in Australia? I'm in Texas, where it gets over 100 degrees routinely from late June until September. Our gyms have ac, so heat would not play a factor in workout clothing.

Our gym is leotards and bootie shorts for the girls who like shorts. Between gyms for both kids and weekend training events, I've watched practice at six Texas gyms. I have never seen an exposed midriff. (And our boys all practice with shirts on, too.)
Don't you guys have air conditioning in Australia? I'm in Texas, where it gets over 100 degrees routinely from late June until September. Our gyms have ac, so heat would not play a factor in workout clothing.

Our gym is leotards and bootie shorts for the girls who like shorts. Between gyms for both kids and weekend training events, I've watched practice at six Texas gyms. I have never seen an exposed midriff. (And our boys all practice with shirts on, too.)
No air cons here! just a big tin shed with a few small doors that can be opened and 3 small Windows!!
Electricity costs nearly twice as much in Australia as it does in the U.S. so gyms here are generally big tin sheds that are very hot in summer and quite cold in winter.

There are airconditioned gyms around but they are the exception rather than the rule.

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