Parents DD's first bad fall

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Proud Parent
Jan 22, 2010
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Well my dd did a trial at a new club tonight and had her first bad fall on bars. I nearly had a heart attack but lucky enough she is ok and think I was more upset then she was.
Isn't that always the way? I think moms can be more nervous than gymnasts about these things! Glad your dd is okay. :)

I remember arriving early to pick up my daughter from a workout and seeing her fall off of bars. She shook it off and was okay, and then the next girl fell! And the next! I freaked out a little before I realized they were training HOW to fall properly so that when it happens unintentionally, they can fall (hopefully) without getting hurt.
Glad to hear that your daughter is OK! Gymnasts seem to be way tougher than their parents. :-) How did she like the new gym?
I think that we parents are the most stressed about the getting hurt. I only stay and look for a few min maybe once a month because I get so nervous when she is learning a new skill and the falls she makes when learning. I try not to look anymore.
This morning my dd was a little sore. She fell on her head and was very lucky she didn't do any damage. When she was swinging on the wooden bar her hand slipped and she went flying. But in regards to her trial she asn't to keen to go back, lucky the coach said that she could come back and do another trial. Personally I liked the gym and they new what they wanted to do with her, but at the end of the day if my dd isn't happy she won't preform. But I will be taking her back for another go thinking what happened to her last night might have put her off a little.

But on a positive note today at training she did cast to handstand on the wooden bar first time.
This morning my dd was a little sore. She fell on her head and was very lucky she didn't do any damage. When she was swinging on the wooden bar her hand slipped and she went flying. But in regards to her trial she asn't to keen to go back, lucky the coach said that she could come back and do another trial. Personally I liked the gym and they new what they wanted to do with her, but at the end of the day if my dd isn't happy she won't preform. But I will be taking her back for another go thinking what happened to her last night might have put her off a little.

But on a positive note today at training she did cast to handstand on the wooden bar first time.

My daughter fell yesterday from the high bar too and landed on her head! She got a knot on her forehead, but is fine. Congrats to your daughter on her C to H!
Poor thing!! I hope she's feeling OK now.
Maybe the bars felt a tiny bit different to what she's used to? Or maybe it was just really bad luck. Either way I hope she has a better time when you go back!!
I remember arriving early to pick up my daughter from a workout and seeing her fall off of bars. She shook it off and was okay, and then the next girl fell! And the next! I freaked out a little before I realized they were training HOW to fall properly so that when it happens unintentionally, they can fall (hopefully) without getting hurt.


It must be the season.... Bella had her first bad fall this week too. She was working on casting high and her left hand slipped off the bar. As she pitched forward, her hips hit the bar and that flipped her so she landed straight on her back on the mat except her hip hit part of the metal base of the bar. Now she's lost her shoot through because she's afraid to cast high enough for that skill. :-(

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