Parents Did I forget anything? Packing for Flip Fest

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Proud Parent
Jan 27, 2013
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Man, packing 3 kids for a week of camp is a LOT. I had been in denial, thinking, "oh, for each of the girls I'll throw in some leos, some PJs and a few swim suits. For my DS I'll throw in some shorts and shirts, swim suits. All done." :rolleyes:

So I put it off until the last minute. I figure since the girls are young that they should be OK with 1 leo per day plus an extra. But then I couldn't find all of the leos. And suddenly they started complaining that some don't fit. So I found myself trying to come up with 14 leos that they agreed fit and it was not happening. As luck would have it, 10 minutes later the kid from across the street knocked on the door. She had been cleaning out her drawers and found 4 leos that didn't fit her and brought them over for my older DD. Score!!

Anyway, I now have for the girls, swim suits, swim shirts, leos, flip flops, gym bags, sneakers, rubber bands, hair brushes, sleeping bag, sheets, pillow, sunscreen, water bottles, toiletries and socks. For DS I have shirts, shorts, socks, a water bottle, swim suits, flip flops, toiletries, sneakers, jeans (for paintball), sneakers, sun screen, gym bag, sleeping bag, sheets and pillow. They each have a trunk that it is all in, along with a packing list so that hopefully most of it will make it back home.

I have a calling card for each kid.

Anything I'm forgetting?
I'd also put in bug repellent. That was a big help to my DD last week. Also make sure they have one set of old clothes or old bathing suit that they can toss (for mud tug o' war- you do not want those clothes back, LOL). I also put money into a camp account for the canteen and camp photo with the Olympians. I don't know if your kids were planning to dress up for the camp dance, but I also packed a costume for DD to wear. I did tell my daughter that the one thing I wanted her to come back with was her grip bag-I could replace the other things pretty easy. They will have a blast! DD loved it and last week's weather was perfect for being outside. Hope that your kids have a wonderful time!

Also, just looking at the weather for the week, you may want to put in a light jacket and poncho/umbrella. It'll be in the 60's in the evenings and I think there's a few days where it'll be rainy.
So I put it off until the last minute.

The Army brat in me died just a little when I read this. :D

How about towels, both for the lake and for the showers. Do they use bath robes? Those are the only things I saw really missing. I even checked it against my list and it looks like you're pretty covered.
Definitely bug spray! My dd hasn't had problems. In addition to mosquitos, a friend of ours came home with a few ticks when she went a couple years ago.
Thanks guys! I did send bug spray, towels and ponchos. I forgot to pack a dirty clothes bag for one of my daughters. I hope they figure out to just use the same bag. I hope my oldest DD remembers to actually USE the bug spray because she reacts horribly to bug bites. And ticks are already bad. I hope if they get one they go see the nurse rather than pulling it off themselves.
Have you heard anything from them yet? Are they having tons of fun?
Have you heard anything from them yet? Are they having tons of fun?

the little stinkers haven't called me at all!!! I have seen them in the background of a few pictures on facebook and they look like they are having fun; but that is the only contact I have had. My 7 year old was pretty worried about me leaving; but I guess she got over it.

It has been interesting to see how much money they are spending. I predict that my 7 year old will be out of money by the end of today!
LOL!!! Feeling the LOVE!!!!

I love that FlipFest posts pictures of the kids on their facebook page....especially given their no cell phone policy. It's such a personal touch to be able to see your kid!

And I had the same reaction to watching DD's cantina cream, ice cream, pizza, ice cream, candy bar, ice cream, leo.
LOL! It's that freedom of getting to spend without Mom and Dad looking over their shoulder. I did tell DD that once the money was gone, that would be it for the week. So, she reigned it in a bit. She also put some of her own money into the account to spend on a new leo. As for pics, DD didn't call me until a few days into camp so those pics were so helpful to me:p. Glad to hear that they are having fun!
LOL!!! Feeling the LOVE!!!!

I love that FlipFest posts pictures of the kids on their facebook page....especially given their no cell phone policy. It's such a personal touch to be able to see your kid!

And I had the same reaction to watching DD's cantina cream, ice cream, pizza, ice cream, candy bar, ice cream, leo.

wait, is there a way to see what they have actually purchased? I'm just watching the balance drop like a rock!
oh, and I had planned to remind them when they called that this was all of the money there would have for the week; but they have to call for me to tell them that!!
D leaves tomorrow! I am panicking! Mainly because we have to pack everything for him to FLY there! So we have very limited space. sigh. Any tips other than what is here from BTDT parents?!?!?

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