When my DD was 7ish we moved her from a pretty darn competitive gym to a much more laidback program. It had simply been too much for her. She was stressed out constantly... stomach aches, crying before practice. She didn't want to quit, but didn't want to go to practice. So, we took a breath and moved her. Her new coach was understanding and lovely and DD really blossomed under her (confidence-wise).
Was the training the same caliber? No. But DD was happier and healthier.
Fast forward one other gym change (lost the sweet coach, plus distance was a huge factor... long story) and eventually, DD actually found her way back to her original gym.
She's much more equipped to handle the stress than she was at age 7ish. She's back with some old friends in her training group and she's doing pretty well there. She's now liking the challenge and even now loves that same "super tough" coach from before.
Anyway, my point is there's nothing wrong with backing off a bit. As your DD matures, it's even possible she'll be ready for more "serious" training again. I agree with the others that your current gym's ability to produce national team members means very little if your DD burns out or gets discouraged and quits! Good luck!