I'm curious how you came to the conclusion that your level 10 daughter doesn't have a good shot a college gymnastics? I think it would be difficult for us to have our daughter continue in high level gymnastics once we reach that conclusion given the large amount of time commitment, risk of injuries, and school load as a sophomore/junior. I'd like to come to that conclusion sooner rather than later in order to give a chance to pursue other activities/concentrate on school in order to increase her chances of a good college admission rather than be dependent on a slim shot at gymnastics getting her foot in the door.
Everyone has answered quite eloquently already. In terms of how I came to the conclusion that my daughter has a slim chance, I guess it's because she is a HS junior and a first year 10. Other girls have been doing 10 for years at this point!
That being said, I woudl never in a million years consider pulling her from gymnastics to 'increase her chances of a good college admision' unless she told me she was ready to move on from the sport.
I think our girls have great chances at good college admissions because there is indeed a good college out there for everyone!
My daughter shows passion for gymnastics....26 hours a week certainly is passion!
Our girls fall. Daily. Probably hourly! And they keep getting up and doing the same thing. Again. And again.
They never give up!
I want to believe that some college admissions officer somewhere will recognize that the skills developed falling flat on their faces as gymnasts will transfer to a college student being willing to jump into a new class and try something without fear of failure.
When we started rec classes at 3, college was't' a thought. When she started team at 8, college wasn't a thought.
Maybe for some families/gyms, girls are on the Level 10/college track at 8.
But in my book, I wanted her to be happy and safe and learning.
So, as the years went by, I realized we were in it for the long haul.
And I'm happy that she's happy.
And if a college scholarship is in the cards, terrific!
But she's got great grades, great classes and certainly I believe that she will get money for merit.
And that's good too.
AS others have said, maybe Ivies....maybe walk on.
But what I know is she's had a great time on the journey.