ZJsMom had a great question for you - she asked What questions exactly do you wish you would have asked?
"what questions do I wish I would have asked?" ...well I could write a book on that but let me try for the Reader's Digest version...to start, looking back I think we asked all the right questions and talked to as many people as we thought would have the info we needed to make an informed decision at that time but in the end , it wasn't enough...and make no mistake, these schools and coaches are masters at selling their programs and their schools...they come into your home, eat dinner with you, tell you how they want your kid because she's the best thing since sliced bread, tell you they "understand as a parent how hard this decision is" to send your kid away to school but we'll "take care of her"...they say all the right things, and then when you find out otherwise, it is a stinging betrayal, my friends....it makes you distrust everyone IN college gymnastics and you see them all as liars , until they prove otherwise. I probably have a jaded view of it now but it's not without foundation, and I encourage you all to explore every avenue before you allow your kid to sign with anyone.
These are some of the questions I asked the second time around, and I prefaced it with, "we have dealt with some craziness in my older daughter's experience and are not looking for a repeat...I will be asking many more questions than the average recruit's parents"....not all of these scenarios apply to us but I kept hearing horror stories so I asked about them:
1. Can you give us a list of former athletes and their parents that I can speak to about you and your program?
2. do you weigh your girls ever? and If so, how often and with what purpose? Are they weighed in front of the whole team and are the #s posted for all to see? Do you track what girls ingest with food diaries?
3. Do you give out your gear to all the team? and when? and what would be a reason a gymnast would not get her gear?
4. How many girls travel? and why wouldn't they?
5. Who coaches what event? what type of coaching philosophy do you have here...are you yellers or not, do you punish for a missed series or something similar? Is their a lifting or running component to your workouts?
6. what is your retention rate year to year of your athletes? do you redshirt an injured athlete or do you just medically retire them? Do you allow athletes to access PT and athletic trainers if they need to or does that all have to run through the coaching staff for approval? Who does your medical team (AT, PTs) answer to...the coaches or actual medical people? Do you adjust workouts for girls returning from injury? Have you ever medicalled anyone at their first physical?
7. Do you have a discipline policy and is it used? ( because if it isn't used, it's useless...)
8. Are gymnasts "required" to stay for the summer to do "voluntary" workouts? Do you take attendance at voluntary workouts? If they do stay, is there summer funding? If they go home, do you send a program home for them to try to do?
9. What were some of the "fun" things you did as a team last year, and I don't mean things like required community service? Do you have team bonding events or do you feel that that is not the role of the college coach?
I also said to these coaches up front, "if you're into craziness and punitive gymnastics, that's fine but we're not interested and we'll move on" ...to me , Numbers 1 and 9 could kind of give me a glimmer of how the rest would be answered...and I had one coach flat out refuse to answer #1 saying she didn't want to "prejudice me' and that ended it right there. There were some schools we didn't even entertain because I knew the answers to these questions and even though they denied it, I wasn't risking it. I can't emphasize doing your homework and trusting your gut enough...