Parents Do coaches know you?

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I only skimmed replies, but at 3 months in, no one knew who I was either. Now at nearly a year in, probably 2/5 of my DD's (JO optional) coaches recognize me as a parent belonging to my DD, and I doubt either of them knows my name, or would recognize me outside of the gym context. The front desk staff don't know who I am either.

The other parents and coaches here are SUPER buddy-buddy. That's cool, but I don't feel compelled to 'break in' and get that close. I'm simply not there enough. No need to force it. Everyone is plenty friendly if I do enter into chit-chat, and I've befriended a couple parents enough to arrange outside get-togethers for our daughters, so I feel comfortable with that.

My DD is FINALLY in a place where her needs are met, and I have achieved the parent Nirvana of "drop and run" and "sit back and relax" - something I couldn't do in previous environments where I found myself in a constant cycle of oversee, monitor, assess, intervene, and advocate (wish it wasn't necessary, but it was).

Funny irony that because these coaches have quickly earned my trust (through a few early class observations, and the continual joy and successes of my DD), I actually know them less (since I have no need to probe into anything).
Yesterday I was surprised to learn that Tinker Bell's coach knows who I am. I have hardly ever set foot in the gym since Tink moved up into this coach's group in June, and coaches rarely if ever interact with parents, so I'm pretty impressed with how observant she is.
I think all of the team coaches know me but it's not like we hang out or anything. There are parents who are there all the time & are super great friends with some of the coaches. I'm never there but the coaches specific to my child know who I am. I think our coaches do make a point of matching parents faces to kids though.

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