I only skimmed replies, but at 3 months in, no one knew who I was either. Now at nearly a year in, probably 2/5 of my DD's (JO optional) coaches recognize me as a parent belonging to my DD, and I doubt either of them knows my name, or would recognize me outside of the gym context. The front desk staff don't know who I am either.
The other parents and coaches here are SUPER buddy-buddy. That's cool, but I don't feel compelled to 'break in' and get that close. I'm simply not there enough. No need to force it. Everyone is plenty friendly if I do enter into chit-chat, and I've befriended a couple parents enough to arrange outside get-togethers for our daughters, so I feel comfortable with that.
My DD is FINALLY in a place where her needs are met, and I have achieved the parent Nirvana of "drop and run" and "sit back and relax" - something I couldn't do in previous environments where I found myself in a constant cycle of oversee, monitor, assess, intervene, and advocate (wish it wasn't necessary, but it was).
Funny irony that because these coaches have quickly earned my trust (through a few early class observations, and the continual joy and successes of my DD), I actually know them less (since I have no need to probe into anything).