Parents Don't know if I'm doing the right thing

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Proud Parent
Feb 16, 2019
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So a few years ago my dd was in a competitive team here we call it a squad. She was only 6 and due to covid and lock down and zoom classes with no skills only strength she lost interest.
I let her stop and left it alone completely. We explored other interests. Now 2 years later she wanted to start gymnastics again. However we went to a gym nearer to home. Not as serious and professional as other gym. More fun. She was in a normal gym class and was so happy to get back to it but after a while was telling me she knew everything they were doing and it was boring etc and she wanted to do back handspring again etc. I told her I'd speak to the couches if she liked and she agrees.
So I did. They firstly said they could move her to an advanced class but the timing clashed with our swim class. The teacher asked her age thought for a moment and said she could offer dd a trial on the squad for a month. 4 hours a week. At the moment she does 45 minutes a week. The children on squad are mostly older than her which she is worried about but she is very excited to be learning things again instead of going over old moves.
She starts Thursday and I'm nervous. She has only just come back to this in the past 4ish months and has been loving it I'm worried squad will put her off but equally worried that she was getting bored in regular class.
Also was I wrong to speak to coach. They may think I'm a pushy parent. They said squad was invitation only... 8 didn't ask for her to go in but they didn't ask her either really it was because of me asking about higher class that they said it. So I'm worried that I've pushed this on everyone and I Jyst want her to be happy.
Have I done or am I doing the right thing.
My take on it is that you did not ask for your daughter to be on the team/squad, only asked if there was a more advanced class for her. I don’t think that would necessarily be deemed pushy! Have her go if she wants and see how she likes it. If it’s a good fit you’ll know soon enough. Let us know how it goes!
I would not worry about it at all. Let your daughter do the trial to she how well she fits into the group. You will know soon enough if it is right for her.
Thanks I'm probably over thinking it. Overthinking is my super power. I just know she loves it so much and has talent but she is very shy and put off by older children and also put off if she does things wrong she is very hard on herself. I just want her to find a class she loves and where she can progress without too much pressure but seems to be either you're in rec and stuck doing forward rolls or you're in squad and it's intense and competitive. However this new gym is alot less intense I think. So will see how it goes. She is very excited about it she starts Thursday will let you know. Thank you.
Well we went last night and she came out buzzing telling me everything she has done but after a while started getting upset as she told me she can't do back handspring the way they want. She learnt a certain way at her old gym a few years back and she was doing it that way and she said the man kept telling her "no we can't have that here" and making her go to the wall to practice her shape. I think she's so used to being the best and now she is the youngest on the squad and least experiences and she felt singled out or felt like the weak link as everyone else could do it and she couldn't so she was upset about tatt. I told her to stop comparing herself and she can only try her best and if she tries her best she can always be proud and that I'm proud of her no matter what. To just have fun and remember the coaches are trying to help you.
I didn't know what to say really. I did say if it's she doesn't like it we can stop but she was adamrnt that she wanted to go.
I think you have to give it time. Give her a couple of months minimum to find her feet, make friends, make improvements and settle in. Every gym has different styles and coaching ideas, it just takes a little time to adjust. Just tell her she is going until Easter and you will reevaluate then. One session is not enough to make a decision. Just relax and let her find her feet.
Thanks she is going again right now will see how she is when she comes out she has an extra hour today too. It was really late yesterday and think she was really tired and emotional after. She was really eager to get in today so that's a good sign
Sounds like an exciting opportunity for your daughter! Of course, coming from a 2 year break and very short rec classes lately, she will have to expect a lot of catching up. I am surprised that they are letting her do back handsprings. I would be worried that she could get hurt or develop pain in her wrist from the lack of strength from being out of the sport for a long time. If she goes in with a positive attitude, is patient and works hard, she will be on a good path to learn all sorts of new and fun skills. Good luck to her!
Thanks everyone well she came out today super happy. She landed a cartwheel on beam and they were doing something with vault which she enjoyed and she told me it was a 10 out of 10 class
So happy she is enjoying it and able to progress.
So glad we did this. Bjyst have ti share. Dd came out buzzing tonight she landed her round off to back handspring on her own and she landed a front somersault in the trampette (unsure I'd that's spelt correctly.)
She is so so happy and the coach told me she is doing well. So all good. Glad we have found somewhere less intense as she found the other gym too high pressure and it took over her whole life. Now this seems to be somewhere she can progress while aslo having 9ther hobbies and being happy and having fun. Fingers crossed

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