WAG elbow dislocation: any experiences, recommendations, advice?

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Thank you, oldoebutgoodie. I'll bring this photo to daughter's next ortho appt. Thank you for telling me about it- it's good to have options to choose from! It looks like the biggest support from this brace is control of extension/hyperextension, yes? Does your daughter find it helps the stability of the sides of her elbow?
Well, it's three weeks after the injury, and my daughter is gradually progressing. For anyone else who might read this post regarding early care of corrected elbow dislocation, here are some practices we've found helpful:

In my daughter's case, two long, wide ACE wraps, wrapped in a figure eight around the elbow joint, (one on top of the other) gives her all the comfortable support she needs, to immobilize her elbow (in flexion) , while using her shoulder, wrist and fingers. She favors this setup instead of the bulky Don Joy brace for her early stabilization. She still also uses the sling when out in public, to remind others not to grab her arm, and to remind herself not to reach out with that arm, or to put weight through it, etc.

She really prefers soaking her elbow in epsom salts to reduce swelling, instead of using ice. I got a plastic rectangular storage bin that holds about 14 gallons, and she sits on the floor next to it, and soaks, and gently moves the elbow in her allowable range. We use about 1/4-1/3 cup epsom salt per bin-full of water. It's much more comfortable than ice, and the reduced gravity, and gentle compression of the water, is soothing. She can also move her elbow without having the back of it needing to rest on something. (pressure on the back of the elbow while moving it makes it hurt sometimes) Her swelling started coming down steadily once we started soaking. Warm water loosens tight biceps and forearm muscles, too. (-:
Hi Everyone- I'm back again from researching...
I'm following oldiebutgoodie's lead into the world of custom sports braces- to see what's available, what the options are, if it's an option that would be good for my daughter's elbow...

Do any of you have experiences with these braces below? (Gymnasts, coaches, parents, others) These both are made from a custom mold of the arm:


This is a Don Joy custom elbow brace, made to be worn during sports


And this is a Townsend custom elbow brace, also made to be worn during sports.

Both have a carbon fiber frame.

ANy thoughts?

Many thanks!

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