Parents Emerald Cup Video

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Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
Well, the quality is terrible, I'm not good at getting these online. It looks great in my camera, lol.

Here's Bean's last meet as a level 7!! On to the uptraining!

Thanks for watching!

YouTube - Emerald Cup

Oh that was just too cool for words. her beam was just lovely, her floor always makes me smile!

Great job Bean.
Loved it! She looked great. Love her beam routine, lots of cool flexi moves in there, and some cute little hip-wiggling! Cute floor too, I like how she can get the crowd involved.

Congrats ona great season's end! :)
Way to go Bean! We loved your routines. Your beam is so full of your strength, grace and flexibility. Floor is just awesome. You are so cute out there. Love your tumbling passes! Have fun uptraining! :)
First, she is just absolutley adorable, what a cutie!! I was going to say her beam was awesome, but actually, I think everything was awesome!! Great job!!
Thank you all for taking the time to reply! She's always thrilled by the very complimentary comments.

Yesterday she came home from gym, completely pumped that she threw some double twist thingy onto a big mat. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but it sounds scary, and it excited her!

Thanks again for watching! You guys are all great!
Way to go Bean!!! Amazing job all around .Have fun uptraining!!
Wow, she looked wonderful! I love her beam routine - she is just so strong and flexible. What do they do for vault at this level in Canada - is it just a fhs vault as in the U.S.? I am sure she is having a ball learning new tricks. Congratulations to Rayna!

Wow Rayna diid a beautiful job out there! I love her beam work very pretty! Enjoy your uptraining Rayna!
great job!!!! What an awesome meet!!!! She has great back flexibility!!!Way to go Rayna!!!!She is going to do great as a 8!!!!
Thanks again for the wonderful kind words. Megley, the level 7 vault is supposed to be a front hanspring full, in order to have full start value. The reason I haven't posted any is that Bean tends to wipe out, quite dramatically! She doesn't want anyone to see! I guess her pre-flight and bump are solid enough that she still scores well, and just takes the .8 deduction for the fall:)

In a few weeks I might have more to post about. She's going away for 2 weeks, while I recover from surgery, so she might be training with a different club during that time. I'm just waiting to get approval from her coach.

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