WAG Exciting day tomorrow

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Nov 16, 2012
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Tomorrow is the day. We will pack our 50 gymnasts to a bus and drive 300 km to a competition. This is my first year coaching these girls and tomorrow is the first day I have ALL my competitive groups competing in the same day. I'll have my 5 level B's, 13 level C's, 3 level D's and 2 level E's under my coaching. I'm so excited. It's gonna be a LONG day and I have to judge level C (I don't like judging my own girls but the club didn't give me any options) but I don't care!

It's also gonna be the very first competition for 2 of my little level B's. They have been doing very nice routines at practices and I hope they'll be able to perform that well at competition too. And it's my very first time coaching optionals (level E) at competition!

I'm so happy to have all of them. They are such wonderful kids and I love working with them.

I'll be back on Monday letting you know how it went :)
Best of luck to everyone! I'm looking forward to hearing how it went. :)
Very exciting!!! Wish you a safe journey and fun meet for all :) Looking forward to how it went.
Apparently my 16 month old made her first post...sorry
I thought it was just some kind of secret Finnish cheering noises that the rest of us didn't know about :p.
Best wishes gymisforeveryone on a fun, safe, and successful weekend of coaching and judging. Sounds like a fun (but exhausting) time! Let us know how it goes!
We are back now!

Wow, it was a interesting day. Unfortunately it wasn't the best day for my best and oldest gymnast (level E, 15yo) who broke her knee during warm up. She was doing her front handspring front tuck when something went terribly wrong when she landed front handspring. She hyperextended her left knee and right one "rolled". The right one was the injured wan. She end up laying on floor fighting against tears and realizing she can't compete. I felt so sorry for her, so sorry. She had amazing warm up routines on all the events and then 10nminutes before the competition started she injured herself. It was the second and the last meet for optional girls this spring. Did I say I'm so sorry for her?? She went to see a doctor and was given crutches. I send her a message this morning asking how was she and she said the knee hurts badly and she can't walk at all. She's going to see a doctor again this week. I hope it's nothing serious!

Well, that was the bad news. Then the good ones:

My other level E (12yo) had her second competition in level E. She did nicely! On bars she did much better than before. I think her free hip wasn't counted and she don't do giants yet but other skills were there. On vault she finally went over the table easily! She did a tsukahara timer (a round off over the table up to 125cm mat stack) and that's much better vault for her than front handspring up to the mat she did at last competition.

On floor she shined and was 1st :) Nice routine!

On beam she fell twice and some of the skills weren't counted but she placed 2nd.

Our level C's had a nice competition! Most of them got their best AA scores ever and got the required score to move up! U was judging vault and we saw some really nice vault there! Three of my girls placed in top10. No medals but we weren't actually expecting them since there was 40 girls in level C competing against them.

Level D's did a good competitong, not score-wise but they exceed themselves and overcame some nasty fears. I was so happy one of my level D's (15 yo most hard working kid ever) finally nailed her beautiful beam routine at competition since she is always so nervous at competitions and has HARD time keeping her nerves under her control. My heart was beating so fast when she was on beam and nailed her jump series, then back walkover, then handstand, then cartwheel and then finally her dismount! We were so happy about that!

One of my level D's who was injured a month or so ago had her first meet of the season. She has developed so many fears after her injury (her feet slipped off beam when she was doing her front tuck dismount at practice and she hit her head to her knee and broke her lip and hurt her teeth painfully) and practices has been one huge fight against those fears. She was terrified doing a back walkover so I stood next to her when she did it on her routine. It was a nice routine even if she fell once. On bars I had to spot her when she did a flyaway but that was expected. I didn't want her to land on her face since she had done so many bad ones a night before. She had her flyaway before the injury and being off training for a month so I hope she'll get it again before the next competition.

On vault the girls had harder time than before. Before they have all constantly scored 8.5-9 but now their steps and running distance was lost and they had to slow down the speed and take baby steps before the board. We have not had a chance to do proper vaults at practices because we have practiced in a different building than before and there is no vault table and no measuring tape on floor. And there is no space to do a 20 meter run they should do. I hope we can get back to the better gym before next competition to check the steps and running distance.

Our level B's did nice work and had so much fun! They were like big girls there even if it was the first competition for most of them. No one forgot her routine, no one fell and no one cried. So I was happy! One of my girls scored 9.5-10 on vault and that was the best vault of the whole competition :) It made me proud since it was her first competition and her vault during warm up wasn't perfect.

So we had a nice day :) Let's just hope my 15yo will cover fast and be back on training as soon as possible.
I've been waiting for your report! I too am so sorry to hear of your eldest gymnast's injury. It sounds awful. I hope she is on the road to recovery quickly. I am pleased to hear that you were happy with how the rest of them went, and that some did much better than you had hoped. Apart from the injury, I hope the meet was a great encouragement to you and your girls. :-)
Sounds like a very good competition. I sure hope your injured gymie heals fast.
Thank you everyone!

My injured 15 yo went to see a doctor and came back with some good and some bad news. The ligaments of the knee weren't injured, thank God! But there was a haematoma inside the bone. She has to use crutches for 2 weeks and no exercise of any kind is allowed for a month. Then she can come back and do limited stuff. But the doctor said her knee is gonna be like before after the break and she can continue doing gymnastics. I'm so relieved now!
Congrats to you and the girls. And I hope the injured gymnast will be okay! Sounds very painful v

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