Both of my daughters participate in gymnastics. We unfortunately have lived in an area where it has been hard to get experienced coaching, but they have been training for their first competitive season at our current gym and were on preteam before that.. My oldest turned 9 at the end of Jan. We took a break from gymnastics for almost a year while she decided if she loved it before making the commitment to go preteam>team. Such a huge mistake I wish I could take back. We should have changed gyms when she lost interest with the trajectory she was on.. not let her try a different sport!
Ive been all over the US at this point, visiting gyms from PA to Dallas, Norcal and socal as we evaluated a move. We have decided that the best place for our family as a whole is North San Diego county.
Oldest DD is between level 3 and level 4 but in the level 3 group for now.. At her current gym they dont even work on skills past the level they are training. During our gym search so many gyms had level 3s that had kips and other higher level skills.. she had never even done drills for a kip!!! She also struggled with her front hip circle till I found a flo gymnastics drill and made her do it. Paid hundreds of dollars in private lessons to have her rip her hands open and get so frustrated.. and then 10 minutes after watching the a video she has it??? I knew we had to seek other coaching. I started driving her an hour away and now, in 6 weeks, she has perfected her mill circle, front hip circle and gotten her kip. Prior to that she had never even worked on a kip and was scolded at Open gym any time she would try to do one for working above her training level. Bars and vault are her weakest events for level 4 mastery. Vault because she has only been allowed to try FHS on the vault a couple times now. Our gym was a cheer gym until 3 years ago and it killed our JO program this year in favor of xcel because point blank they do not want to coach to the rigor of the JO program.
Short story long, with proper coaching she shines.
My youngest turned 6 last week. She has a lot of potential. Coaches seem interested in her. She has no fear, a lot of strength and gumby like flexibility

She is also barely 6. She is currently on preteam working out with girls up to 12 years old and her coaches love her. Yes, occasionally she needs a little more explanation, or she will forget what to do from station to station, but we havent had anything but postive feedback and lots of very upbeat and patient coaches. Those coaches bring out good things in her.
Phew.. so there is our background.
At every gym we tried out (even before my oldest got her kip and perfected her mc and fhc) the girls were offered team (9 yr old) preteam (6, then 5 yo) placements.
Until we got to the area we have decided to live in. My oldest is too old.. she was extended team placement but would be the oldest in the training group and and my youngest acts too young for this particular gym so she would only be allowed to go to invitationals.
This devastated my youngest and made her honestly want to quit gymnastics. It was like one eval sucked all the joy out of gymnastics for her. We went all over the country where people seemed very pleased with her..
She said "Mommy, the coach never even smiled, they hated me!"
My oldest thrived on the coaching style (she has begged for a more rigorous coach ) She was the youngest on her preteam and would have been the youngest level 4 at her current team (coaches were already talking about moving her up before competitions started). She is now completely anxious.. Whereas gymnastics used to be very confidence boosting. She is not excited about being the oldest by 2 years. Im hoping now that she has her kip maybe the coach will let her move into the level 4 training group, which I do think she will succeed at.. but I have no idea what they require because most of their girls have a kip by level 3.. so they obviously work way ahead level. Who knows what they will allow!
This gym has dozens of girls in the top 100 every single year. They are obviously doing something right, but I dont know if we are a good fit for them and what Im so scared of is killing my girl's love of gymnastics by feeling like they are behind before they even start. Its hard to go from feeling a head, to feeling almost impossibly behind!
On the other hand. there is another gym that wouldnt be as far of a drive, but only a handful of top 100 scores, the scores are definitely getting better the last few years and the coaching team has great experience, MUCH more positive. They are way better than the gym we are currently so it's a move up either way. This gym also has much better hours and drive time for us.
What would you do?
Would you go to team at a gym that cranked out elites.. or keep it fun for a couple more years.
I dont want to make another mistake