Parents ExtraOrdinary Athletes

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Proud Parent
May 4, 2018
Reaction score
Without including scores, placements, other other accolades, I would so love to hear from anyone who wants to celebrate or share something cool and positive about their athlete(s).

Proud of your gymnast for continuing to plug away at a mental block! Tell us about it!
In awe of your athlete's perseverance? Share it!
Did they finally nail that pass they've been working on for a year? I want to celebrate with you!

Please no placement/scoring comments. There are plenty of kudos and awards given for those things already. Let's keep it focused on those things that are awesome or make us smile but aren't celebrated with medals, etc..
My daughter is gritty, determined, and such a hard worker. She's not the most naturally talented gymnast and she knows this, but she puts in 100% every practice and if she gets knocked down she always picks herself back up and just keeps working. Coaches comment on this drive and determination and seem to really enjoy working with her.

My son is a fantastic teammate. He's still new to the sport and has had a lot of early success, but I've watched his face light up even when a teammate beats him on an event. He cheers so loudly for their success and is genuinely happy for them.
My daughter has had a 5" growth spurt and is fighting through the issues that have come along with it. She gets frustrated, but keeps plugging along.

She also worked last weekend all day at her home team's meet, and I got a text from another team mom praising her for going above and beyond supporting a teammate who was having a bad day. Those are the kinds of things that remind me why all the cost and angst is worth it.
My girl left a negative gym environment over a year ago and has grown so much. Her perseverance and determination really, truly amaze me. She overcame her fears on several skills. She's recovering her confidence and is just simply a beautiful person, inside, outside, and in her gymnastics. She inspires me to want to be a better, stronger, more positive person.

My son really cares about his teammates. He actively encourages the younger kids and supports the coach both by working with the younger kids when asked and by leading by example. It's so much fun to see him get excited about a new move or idea. He inspires me to try to be a better listener and to have an open heart.
My son had his first competition last month. Second rotation was rings - and he had a really rough time of it.
But... he is so positive and lets things roll off his back like they're nothing. Kept smiling and didn't let it phase him.
Last rotation was floor, an event he usually struggles with. And he NAILED IT! Best floor routine he has EVER done!! We were so proud of him, and it has given him new confidence on FX. :)
DD’s has a rough season. Dealt with a mental block over the summer but she didn’t quit and eventually overcame it. She was looking really good for the upcoming meet season and then injured her foot and was out for a month. She lost some skills and power, especially on floor and vault, but she is working hard to get back to where she was. While she won’t be 100% for her first meet, I’m so proud of the perseverance, strong work ethic, hard work, and dedication she has shown through this. She is not naturally talented and has had to work hard for every skill, and so when the hard work pays off and she finally gets it, it makes it that much sweeter.
My daughter transitioned from artistic gymnastics, the only sport she knew, because it wasn't feeding her soul anymore. She jumped head first into T&T and she seems to be loving it. She has so many plans now of cheerleading, band, golf, rock climbing. All these new things she wants to try. She had to leave lifelong friendships (most of whom never spoke to her again once she left the gym) and breakdown old dreams and goals. And now building up her new chapter. I'm so proud. She is braver lathan most adults to leave something that isnt sparking joy to carve out a new path.
My daughter transitioned from artistic gymnastics, the only sport she knew, because it wasn't feeding her soul anymore. She jumped head first into T&T and she seems to be loving it. She has so many plans now of cheerleading, band, golf, rock climbing. All these new things she wants to try. She had to leave lifelong friendships (most of whom never spoke to her again once she left the gym) and breakdown old dreams and goals. And now building up her new chapter. I'm so proud. She is braver lathan most adults to leave something that isnt sparking joy to carve out a new path.
I see so many ex-gymnasts excel at rock climbing! My son competes on a team and most of the girls are from gymnastics.
My older gymnast overcame a few mental blocks this year and lost some flexibility during a growth spurt. She pushed through her mental blocks (with the support of good coaching) and took the initiative to begin a stretching regimen at home to work through her flexibility issues.

I've also been impressed with all my gymnasts in what good sports and supportive teammates they are. I feel we are all very fortunate to be where we are, both in terms of the gym we are at and how the coaches have determined their level placements over the years.
I am proud of my girl for keeping up with her school work. She is not the most naturally academically organized and responsible kid, but this year she decided to work really hard at that. Even when she gets home from gym late and exhausted, she buckles down and finishes her homework before bed without me even asking. That’s a big step for her.

My 12yo son is not a gymnast (in fact watching him try to get his body even partly inverted is hilarious) but he decided a week ago to stop eating sugar so he can feel his best for baseball season. I thought it wouldn’t last five minutes, but lo and behold when I wake up every morning he is there in the kitchen making himself eggs or oatmeal. He didn’t necessarily have a high sugar intake before but with how incessantly hungry he has been lately it’s awesome that he is cooking healthy food for himself instead of expecting me to do it or eating junk.

Kids taking the initiative to do good things on their own gives me hope for the world!
My daughter had a mental block at old level 5 (new level 4) and would not grab the high bar. It was something she could do and had done but just couldn’t make herself do anymore. She could climb up there and do stuff but jump and grab it was a no go. Usually a bad block like this is the end of a gymnast career. She was fearless on everything else. She scratched bars most of that season. Finally she overcame it. Now she’s a 3rd year level 10 and headed to a d1 school next year for gymnastics. I’m proud of her for continuing to push herself when almost everyone else was giving up on her.
This is no small thing. May we all cheer our kids who are putting the hours in at the gym AND continuing to be good students. Thank you for including an academic praise!!

OMG all of this! My daughter, who struggles with school because of dyslexia, was on the A honor roll for the first time this semester even with moving up to Diamond. I am so proud of her fight!
My daughter hasn't made her pike on consistently for a LONG time and did it in competition this weekend without a pause, extra cast, or falling backward. She was super excited and actually cheered out loud in the middle of the event. This is AFTER she hit her first pass on floor and ended up giggling because she was so excited she landed it. This was huge because usually meets make her so nervous she forgets to smile until the next day. The giggles were extra special!
For the first time in months, YG has skill goals! She wants to get her Front Pike back (lost it in the last growth spurt); get a BLO (but has to get over balking on her BT 75% of the time - another casualty of the growth spurt); get her FT stepout back so she can do FT Stepout ROBT; get her clear hip competition ready; get her flyaway-1/2 to competition surface; get her CW-CW and Roundoff on Beam solid. She competed the CW-CW at the home meet, but fell after each one - lol.

OG has been accepted to several college nursing programs. She is holding down a job, taking high school and college classes, and is active in several school clubs that focus on service to others.

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