Fly Away Help

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I can do all of my bars routine, i can't get my fly away, i always have to have
a spot even at the meets. any tricks or ideas to get me from going early or pulling in on the bar. I am feeling bummed out with this sruggle.
flyaways are a pain!! something that my coach told me is when you cast off the bar have your feet go up to something high like you would for your timer. when your feet are that high thats when you let go.. i hope that this helps you out a little. It took me forever to get my flyaways so don't get discouraged!!!

The flyaway seems to be an issue for many, i think this is especially if have a bad exeprience with it early on.
This brings up the issues that once you have the fear, there is no good advice, unless you are 100% comitted to actually doing it or trying to do what you have been told by your coach or read on this board.

To safest think you can do on a flayway to make sure you never pull on the bar, is
1- At the bottom of your tap, make sure you are stretching down as far as you can, like you are trying to touch the floor, this will ensure you have no gaps between your ears and your shoulders. This is probably the greatest error you can do, because as you tap, your shoulder angle closes and you start coming towards the bar
2- Feel that as you tap! you are pushing the bar away through your shoulders (this doesn't mean let go, it means just keep that no gaps by your ears at all time). If you are pushing away you aren't pulling back, which mean that (especially with a tuck) there 99.9% chance that if you released at absolute vertical and you some how managed to have some rotation you will still ba far enough from the bar not to hit it (mayb a toe will touch at most).. Key thing again is stretch away from it
3- See your toes on the release and turn over fast (a strongggg tap to make the flyaway go up and away rather then away and down).

If you do these things there is almost no way you can hurt yourself, and soon you will see that this is probably the easier gymnastics skill ( the single at least).
However even though it is so easy..its a huge mental milestone, and you should be super happy when you get pass it.

Trust in yourself, and in your coach (who can shadow you). Dont rush, and don't do what you feel you want to do, do what you know you have to do.

Hope that helps and good luck.. believe it and then do it.
More and more lately, I've been noticing that people who supposedly have a problem pulling in actually have more of a problem with their tap.

The most common mistakes that lead to pulling in are tapping late and tucking early. A lot of people swing arched through the bottom, and then don't tap until they get to the top of the swing, which means the tap pulls them towards the bar. The other common problem is tucking too early, which means pulling the knees towards the bar.

If you aren't doing either of these things but are still pulling in, one trick that I find really helpful is to think about throwing the bar out on release. Not back, out; throw the arms out to the side as you release. I'm not entirely sure why this works, but most kids I tell to do this get a much better release when they try to throw the arms out on the release.
Don't give up. It will come for you eventally. I had problems with vault for the longest time and I am slowly getting it.
I had a teammate who simply could not get over the fear a letting go on a back flyaway. She could do a toe-front dismount, and a front flyaway, but she just couldn't seem to make herself let go of the bar on a back flyaway.

I suggest doing tons with spot, or timer swings. Have the coach tap you on the belly and say go when it's time to let go and spot you. Then, slowly start doing it just with them saying go and spotting you. Then try with less and less spot. Eventually you should be able to say 'go' on your own and you'll be fine. As for timer swings, i suggest doing sets of correct tap swings and imagining yourself letting go. Perhaps you could even do some dead cows (where you swing up, let go and land on your back).
Valentin gave some of the best advice...

Stretch DOWN below the bar. It also helps to stretch your legs below the low bar as well.

You can do a flyaway with a closed shoulder angle and not hit the bar. The problem happens before the release.

It's the same principle as "setting" before a back tuck on floor. If you never punch and stretch off of the floor, you flip over, but not up and away from the floor. If you don't stretch out behind and below the high bar, you don't go up and away, but remain close to the bar upon release.

The bottom line is that the skill requires a swing. If you are peeling off or remaining close to the bar upon release, then you are hanging and flipping...not swinging and releasing.
i think u should just try your flyaway and picture your coach standing there or just ask your coach to stand there that is my advice.

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