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Moderator/Proud Parent
Aug 25, 2007
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DD is VERY frustrated because she just cannot get her front mill circle. She makes it all the way around then bends that front leg and drops back. She said she is afraid she is going to fall.

She said it makes her feel like she wants to quit. I asked if she really wanted to quit over the mill circle and she said 'no' but it makes her feel like it and "what if I never get it?"

Mom pep talk has stopped working. She loves the bars, they are her favorite event.

any suggestions?
DD is struggling with this skill too. To help with the fear our coach has her hook the one leg and hang holding on with the one leg and two hands and swing and try to get back up. She has a blast doing it and says she is like a monkey hanging around that way.

Tell her to keep trying she will find her groove and figure out what will make it click.
If I remember correctly, I think there is some kind of thing they have to do with turning their hands? I was so happy for my DD's to get out of Level 4, so they wouldn't have to do it anymore!!!
My DD also struggles with this. This last monday she did it three times and got to the top everytime, but could not get her hands switched fast enough and fell back. Her coach told me not to worry too much about it, as it is only in level 4 and they would not hold her back if she did not get it. Ironically she did get it once, in the warm up at her second meet, just never in a meet or at practice.

My daughter also struggles with this skill. She has been working on it forever. She is also getting upset that she has been working so long on it and still can't get it. I hate this skill. The good news for her is that most of her class is still struggling with it to. I hope they all get it together so that my DD doesn't more discouraged.
There have been skills that I didn't think my daughter would ever get and she surprised me. Your DD just hasn't had her "ah hah!" moment yet. It will come.

AAU level 4 doesn't even do the mill circle so I don't think we're going to have to worry about it (unless something changes, of course). Thank goodness for that! Right now I'm hoping DD gets her front hip circle. She needs very little spotting on it so I'm hoping that means she's close to getting it.
just remind her that the front hip and back hip are more important. After level 4 she never has to do the mill circle again - of course keep trying - but tell her not to fret too much - it is not one of the skills they need to build upon.
The mill circle is very frustrating - no question about it. Is there any way that her coach could make it less scary to fall over forward? Maybe put some mats under the bar or something? I watched my dd and her teammates struggle with and then get this skill and the progression seems to be that they first don't make it around, then they fall forward and finally they figure out how to stop on top of the bar. It seems like she is going to have to get up the nerve to fall forward. Ask her what terrible thing she thinks will happen if she falls forward and perhaps have her try hanging in the position she will wind up in if she does. Then she hopefully will see that it isn't so scary. I'm sure she will get it eventually. My dd still has trouble stopping herself sometimes - she has to really put on the brakes. I'll be happy to see it gone next year at Level 5!

The good news is.....she will never use this "skill" again after level four.

The bad news is..... this will be one of many skills that she will struggle with. SO therefore it is good for her to learn how to deal with the frustration. Many skills are "got" and then lost for days, months and even years!!!!

My DD got her kip when she was 7, it wasn't a skill she needed at the time so rarely worked at gym, she lost it tte next week and didn't get it back until she was 9 !!!!! She got it for when she needed it , but it drove her bonkers.:rolleyes:

Little DD was the best vaulter in her level last year and until after her first meet this year, since then however I think she has managed one good vault alone, she even splatted at her last comp on both attempts (deduction of the whole score:eek:).

At this point I am very pragmatic about the whole gymnastics thing, as injury, mental blocks, fear, growth and even more injury can all get in the way of "progress", it's life, smile move on. Let them know it's all okay and the skill will come at some point.
Does her coach offer privates? Most years my dd struggles with one or two skills. Most of the time she can work them out. Last year it was her flight series on beam, this year its her leap series. The one on one time made all the difference in the world for her. Just encourage her and hang in there.
when our gymmie was a level 4 and having trouble w/the mill circle a level 9 gymmie told her to imagine that she had ribbons attached to her shoulders and the ends were attached to the high bar making her stretch up tall.......that "image" did the trick for our gymmie
My DD struggled with that in the begining also. In her first meet she didn't even have it yet. It will happen, as other have said. Don't stress over it because L4 is the only time you will see it. My DD does it now, but it is not pretty. The TOPS training she is doing (off season now) really helps w/the upper body strength and she does much better on bars when she has been conditioning. Maybe someone at the coaches forum can suggest some excercises for her?
Thanks Everyone

Thanks for all your wonderful words of support. She has been trying to get this since October and I think we are all frustrated with it at this point. She is so close, and yet so far. LOL.

- gymnasticsgirl521 - Thanks - she can get herself back up w/o coaches help w/ leg hooked over the bar. We are just waiting for the day that she does not hook that leg!!

-momof5 - glad my dd is not the only one working on this forever. Actually all of her L3 teammates are struggling w/ it.

-Shawn - we have to do a mill circle and front hip circle in L4. We have not yet tried the front hip circle. One mountain at a time I guess !!

- Meg - I am going to ask about stacking some mats under the bar to make the possibility of a fall less scary.

- Bog - yes, not needing it after L4 is great news, bad news is DD will be L4 next year and possibly year after that if she does 2 yrs at L4 :(
My DD got her kip when she was 7, it wasn't a skill she needed at the time so rarely worked at gym, she lost it tte next week and didn't get it back until she was 9

OMG, does your gym have a pile of "LOST" skills too? This is a constant joke between some of us parents - how the girls talk about how they "had this but then they lost it". Where does it go????
OMG, does your gym have a pile of "LOST" skills too? This is a constant joke between some of us parents - how the girls talk about how they "had this but then they lost it". Where does it go????

It's the "skill fairy", we never know when she's going to show up or how long she is going to stay for. Sometimes the "skill fairy" will give 3 or 4 girls the same new skill in one night only they all lose it the next day. I guess it's a bit like mass hysteria, only way more disappointing! After all these years, when my girls get a new skill I act suitably impressed, but I don't expect it to be there at the next practice, if it is that's awesome, if not c'est la vie!

But back to the OP problem, I know that this is so frustrating for her and that it is so easy for us to say it doesn't matter and she won't need it. But, you know we have all been there and we all really do feel for her and you. All you can do is tell her that all gymnasts go through this with their skills. Shawn Johnson is trying to get a new vault right now for the Olympics, she trains everyday and has been for months, she lands it well sometimes, but right now it is hard work. Even the very best in the whole world struggle with new skills, that's what makes a good gymnast great, the ability to keep on working despite the frustration.

Tell her all her internet gymnast friends from all over the world are sending her positive thoughts for her skill, it does help!:)
My daughter also had alot of trouble with the mill circle, she was on of the last girls to get it. She was not allowed to do bars until she got it. She got during the last 2 meets. The funny thing is she does not always make it around but during both meets she manges to make it around. She also falls backward. What really helped her and alot of the other girls was getting a mini bar for home. I know this is discouraged but it gave her the extra time to practice at home and it really helped. I stand by her at home so she does not fall
Tell her all her internet gymnast friends from all over the world are sending her positive thoughts for her skill, it does help!

I actually let her read the reply's last night. She said it made her feel much better :D because she is not alone in struggling w/ this one skill and that your DD's either are there now or have been there in the past.

I sometimes wonder how she can do RO BHS BHS on the floor, cartwheel & BWO on beam but has so much struggle w/ this. I guess right now it is just her difficulty !!

Again I appreciate all your help and support.

Panda-girls Mom - we are thinking about a practice bar - but at the moment funds are WAY too tight.
For one thing, be grateful that she has been open with you and told you that she was afraid of falling. At least you and her coach know that fear is part of her problem. My dd was afraid of falling and didn't do her squat on for a long time because of it, but I never knew that she was afraid. Mats are a good idea. but sometimes it takes falling a few times to realize that nothing really bad has happened, except maybe a bruised ego. And don't let her quit over a skill, because eventually they do get it. And sometimes lose it and get it back again!

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