So I posted a few weeks ago about our teams dire need for money to purchase new mats, since then, not a whole lot of progress has been made. We had a spirit night at a local restaurant that netted us $150. Yikes. We also only had 2 team members show up to help out (a few came and ate, but since we got tips/donations on top of 10% of sales, we needed girls there to really sell the program and reach out to people they know). We still need mega money.
We have a list a mile long of things we can't do- no raffles (gambling), no candy sales (against food policy), no sales at football games (booked for the season), no coupon sales (other teams are doing it), so what the heck are we supposed to do?! I scheduled a car wash but had to cancel as it was the same day as homecoming and now it's a bit late for that or yard sales. There isn't interest in doing a clinic type event for younger kids and likely not enough parent involvement for concessions, bake sales, etc.
A parent suggested a benefit concert and the school is okay with that, so I'm working with a friend of mine to try to make that happen, but we need to find a date that works for the school and the band.
I'm totally out of ideas (and am not paid nearly enough to spend this much time mulling this over) so just thought I would reach out to all the creative CBers again to see if anyone has new ideas (and maybe just to vent a little). Thanks for all the help!