I love this.
Women defy convention by ditching the leotard for a full-body suit at the European championship.
instead of covering gymnasts head to toe to combat "sexualization", how about we get rid of the mindset of skin inherently being sexual. private areas being covered is obvious, arms and legs being covered doesn't make sense because they aren't private parts, and who wants to be performing vigorous physical activity fully covered head to toe in a warm, heated gym.
why does society think that someone's arms or legs has to be sexual?
There are some parts of a leotard that can sometimes slip and show too much, but it can be solved
Pros of the current leotard requirement in gymnastics:
Cooler temperature, allows sweat to evaporate faster
Higher leg line allows better range of motion, and allows the leg muscles to be accentuated
Arms are fully covered which increases temperature and reduces motion (easily fixed with a sleeveless leotard, idk why they don't have this already)
Sometimes slips up in the back (easily fixed with slightly more back coverage or a gripper fabric, this wouldn't hide the leg)
Proposed solution:
Sleeveless leotard
non-slip material hidden inside of the bottom of the leotard to avoid slipping, wedgies etc.
slippery on the exterior to avoid catching on anything
leotard made from spandex, and nylon or microfiber