Parents Getting Feedback From Coaches

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Dec 22, 2009
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One of the moms at the gym yesterday told me she is frustrated with the lack of feedback from our preschool coaches reguarding how her child is progressing. So I guess is the definition of feedback the coach just assuming you want to know and giving a report card or is it the parents responsibility to ask the coaches in order for them to know you want the feedback? How does it work at your gym? For me in the past I have just waited for the coaches to come to me but it has only been when they were moving her up, not to let me know what they are looking for in order for her to move up. Coaches and parents please chime in. They did give my dd feedback last week after class as a class. The coach said that all of the girls except one that is competing level 3 now will do level 3 next year. I think some of them were just assuming that their daughter would go to level 4 and were suprised when the coach said level 3 for all. Some didn't look happy. We are training level 3 and 4 skills and all the girls except my dd and a 5 year old are age eligible for level 4.
Preschool feedback or team feedback? Our preschool program (and regular rec program) does evaluations 3 times a year--where the parents get a piece of paper letting them know where their gymnast is at, whether they are ready to move up and what they need to work on, if they aren't ready.

Team gets a meeting each year after competition season is over--with gymnast, parents and a coach--talk about the past season, what the gymnast would like to do next year and what the coaches recommend. If the gymnast wants to move up, but the coaches don't feel she's ready, they'll let parent & gymnast know what skills are missing.
I guess I should have clarified team or preschool. Her daughter is in the preteam class. I would classify it as the 2nd level of preteam for the kids in kindergarden or younger. My daughter is at this level also. However, her daughter is now 6 and eligible to try out for level 4. We don't get report cards or any direction as to where are kids are headed except for the information on doing level 3 competition team after our last class. Her class got no information at all. I told her I bet the teacher would talk to her class this week. Oh, and we have never gotten a report card for even preschool classes. I guess I am not as worried about it because I have had 2 gymnast previously and I know what skills are required for each level and how clean the gym wants the girls to be with their skills. However, if you are new to this sport, I can see how confusing it could be with no feedback or knowledge of what is required.
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Our gym doesn't set up conferences with parents; parents ask for meetings and feedback if they want that. As a former educator and someone who really wants to know details, this used to bother me. My husband and I have never been too shy about asking about our daughter and her progress, but it irked me that we felt like we had to be the ones to approach the coaches most of the time. I guess I'm just used to it now; plus, we have more open, constant communication with the coaches that has come simply through time. As far as level progressions go, gymnasts simply receive papers at the end of the season indicating where they have been placed. Special cases, such as plans for moving more than one level in a year, most often get more communication than that.
For all classes and ages I try to be available before practice and for a few minutes at the end to allow parents to ask me any questions. If a child learns a new skill I always let the parents know and I will always let them. At any time throughout the year, if a parent is questioning where their child is at, they can ask for an evaluation and we fill it out on paper. Otherwise, I basically am doing mental evaluations of the students progress every week and would be happy to answer any parents questions. It's just not always possible to get to talk to every parent after every class when my next class may be starting right after.
Good post. I was in the same boat when starting. Wondered the same thing for a long time. "How is she doing", "Is she progressing at a reasonable rate", "why does the coach never speak to me". That was really my main gripe - No one ever tells us anything, we just keep writing checks and showing up. I am really certain the old coach after 3 years never even knew my name or whose father I was, and I felt I spent too much money for her to not know my name.

Turns out a head coaching change was in order. Management felt the competitive side of the gym was not heading the direction they wanted under the leadership of that particular coach.
New coach 2 weeks before state last year was a tough transition for many. Some left the gym over it.

Wow, what a difference. We now have a coach that will gladly make time for parents, face to face, email, phone whatever works for you. He and I have become friends, and I have told him the difference he brings with just the openess is a very welcome change. Aside from the fact I really like his coaching philosophy. He is driven toward the long term success of the gymnast as opposed to the L3-L6 state championships, and this is evident in his uptraining. He also has zero tolerance for "bleacher gossip", and I really like that policy.

Sorry I strayed a bit. We now have and end of competitive season team meeting and a pre-season meeting will parents and coaches. He will then schedule individual meetings to talk more about specifics. I love feeling more informed about how mine is doing, and the opportunity to ask questions.

Coaches- I realize you may not be able to sit down and spend a long time with every single pre-team member to the extreme that some wish you would, but a short sweet progress report goes a long way to those who are new to the sport. All of us want to know how our little ones are doing.
Coaches- I realize you may not be able to sit down and spend a long time with every single pre-team member to the extreme that some wish you would, but a short sweet progress report goes a long way to those who are new to the sport. All of us want to know how our little ones are doing.

Totally agree with this! We actually quit tennis lessons at our health club because I never got any feedback at all about how they were doing--were they in the right class?? Should they move up? Move down?? What did they need to work on--nothing! Very frustrating. Love how our gym keeps parents informed.

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