Parents Giant Flyaway crunch time

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Hi All,

Well, my L7 DD just learned on Wednesday that since she isn't ready to compete bars, she can't compete at all! I wasn't aware of this policy, especially because apparently it is only true in L7 (at our gym). Well, there are about three weeks until the next meet. All my DD is missing is the dismount. Mind you, she has the giants and the flyaway separately, just not together. She has been working on this skill for months, progressing very slowly. Right now, she can cast to handstand, swing down, do a flyaway on a mat that is over a foam pit. She has never been spotted doing this skill, nor has she worn the belt. Ugh. I hope she can get this mastered in the weeks she has left. Any suggestins would be helpful.
If she can do that onto a mat in the pit, I think she'll easily be able to get it! It's basically the same thing. I think she'll get it by the meet. Good luck to her!! :)
Does a coach watch her and at least give corrections or comments? I would hope she is getting some feedback on how the flyaway is progressing. If they are just leaving her to practice on her own each time, I would have a chat with the coach and ask how she's progressing on the flyaway and can someone watch her technique.

Pretty harsh rule regarding scratching the meet if she can't do 1 event.
Daughter was in a similar place with three week to throw her ROBHS or no meets. She could do it with a coach on the floor. It was a confidance thing. Her coach and I talked. They told her what would happen. Then they stopped pressuring her. Once the pressure was off, she did it. I bet your daughter will do it. Don't dwell on it with her. Let her get it without the pressure.
Pressure & time constraints usually aren't a good mix for a gymnasts trying to get a skill. JMHO, but I think not being able to compete an entire meet just b/c a gymnast is missing 1 event is just plain cruel. She has worked hard on ALL of her events & should be allow to show off her hard work where she can. Did the coach state the reason for having this rule? I have witnessed a much higher success rates by allowing the gymnast to compete where she can & scratch where she needs to. It builds confidence instead of shame & keeps the enjoying themselves & sticking with the sport instead of giving up. Good luck to your DD!
Hoping your DD is able to get the needed skill in time. What a bummer to have this sprung on her so late in the game. :(

Sending good vibes!
Yeah, I really don't like this "rule" at all. She has been working hard on floor, vault and beam... why scratch her on all events? Unfair...
Pressure & time constraints usually aren't a good mix for a gymnasts trying to get a skill. JMHO, but I think not being able to compete an entire meet just b/c a gymnast is missing 1 event is just plain cruel. She has worked hard on ALL of her events & should be allow to show off her hard work where she can. Did the coach state the reason for having this rule? I have witnessed a much higher success rates by allowing the gymnast to compete where she can & scratch where she needs to. It builds confidence instead of shame & keeps the enjoying themselves & sticking with the sport instead of giving up. Good luck to your DD!

I agree! I think they should do all the events even if they are missing one skill just take the deduction. These are only kids and they work hard on everything they do.
Thanks for your responses. The HC told my DD the reason why this rule is in place is because this level is "easy" and if she could do L6 all around, then she should be able to do L7 all around.

Yes, the coaches are giving her oral corrections as she trains the giant flyaway. However, some girls in her group have lost this skill, and then in her eyes, have become dependent on the coach to regain it. She has told me that she fears becoming dependent on the coach, and wants to learn it herself. I told her that it is the coach's job to teach her the skill, and it is their job to help her. Now that she knows there is a time crunch, we'll see if she improves, or if she does worse. Of course, I don't want to pressure her, that is why I haven't been doing anything about it, even though I know that she is progressing much slower on this skill then I have seen her do before. I am hoping some one on one time with the coach will help her confidence.
I hope your DD gets this skill in time. My L7 DD is in the exact same place. She can't connect the giant and fly away. 3 weeks for us too. The coach will let her compete though and he will be prepared to spot if neccessary. Good luck.
Thanks for your responses. The HC told my DD the reason why this rule is in place is because this level is "easy" and if she could do L6 all around, then she should be able to do L7 all around.

Yes, the coaches are giving her oral corrections as she trains the giant flyaway. However, some girls in her group have lost this skill, and then in her eyes, have become dependent on the coach to regain it. She has told me that she fears becoming dependent on the coach, and wants to learn it herself. I told her that it is the coach's job to teach her the skill, and it is their job to help her. Now that she knows there is a time crunch, we'll see if she improves, or if she does worse. Of course, I don't want to pressure her, that is why I haven't been doing anything about it, even though I know that she is progressing much slower on this skill then I have seen her do before. I am hoping some one on one time with the coach will help her confidence.

Thing is the coaches shouldn't be letting her work through this skill on her own. Its a skill with exact timing on the release of the bar, getting the tap down and having decent form in the air.
I don't agree with the coach that L7 is "easy" and if she could do AA as a L6 then no big deal to do AA as a L7. Yeah, vault is the same, but there are different and for many tougher requirements at L7.
Good luck to her working this out.
Update - she did it!

My DD did her giant flyaway today! All of a sudden, she got it!

Like usual, she started practice doing casts to HS, swing down, and flyaway into the pit. Then the coach told her to do a giant first. She only did 3 before the coach told her to do it on the regular bar with a spot. She only did it with a spot 3 times before she did it on her own!

Off course, her clearhip is not to HS yet, which is required at our gym for L7, but she's close. Keep sending those positive thoughts.

Thanks so much! What a great way to start the new year!
Good for her.

Funny how those skills can come and go. Trhe important thing is not to panic (though your coach didn't seem to help in that department with his rule...)

Remember, clearhip to HS is a back extension roll on floor. Once dd's coaches told her that, the CH to HS clicked.

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