Giants At Last

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gym monkeys mom

Proud Parent
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Ok so it has been about 1 year in the making but DD finally did her giants alone no spot. ;)YEAh!!!! I want to thank all of you for the support, advice, and encouragement. It has been a lot of help to us both. Once she finally did it alone she came home and said "what a waste of 1 year it wasn't even scary.":( Can you even believe it! Gee what did we all tell you. LOL Anyways for anyone struggling with these just keep on working at it. DD did lots of strap bar, pit bar, and spot to build up confidence. Also much, much core strength is needed and i beleive that made the difference this year also. Last but not least is a great coaching staff who push these girls to do what the coachs know they can do. Teenage girls are a lot of work we are all blessed to have coaches so dedicated to the sport they will coach teen girls and love the sport and the girls. THANKS COACHS. One big road block gone for now.i am sure there will be others:o
What a huge step she has made, both in getting the giants, but also overcoming her fear.:D I am thrilled for her.
That's wonderful news:D My DD is in the thick of that same situation right now. She comes home from practice frustrated over giants. It's nice to hear a good outcome, after lots of practice & hard work. Highfive to your DD:highfive:
:applause:CONGRATULATIONS to your dd! This is a huge milestone, what an accomplishment:D !!!!!!!!!! Hooooooooooooooooooray!!!!!!!!:applause::applause:
Congrats! Giants are one of my all-time favorite skills! Just a warning--she may go through a period where she has trouble making giants again, or she may get a sudden fear--it happens, like everything else in gymnastics. I suggest that if this does happen try to remind her of how fun they were when she first did them by herself. My coach always told us to think of giants as a rollercoaster--being in the handstand is like being at the top of the hill on the rollercoaster, then as you swing down you're going down the hill, then it's back up to the top. Plus, just like rollercoasters, giants are tons of fun!
Congrats to your dd!! She should be very proud of herself for sticking it out and getting those giants. I know my gymmie(like Hammy) rates giants as one of her fav skills to do.
Beetle and I are giving a big ole High Five to Gym Monkey!!!

We so happy for her.. All that hard work has paid off!
I feel your joy, my dd has also been stuck for at least 6 months on giants. I can only dream of the day that I hear that wonderful news. So glad she stuck with it, and congrats to your dd.:D

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