Hi. I'm new to the forum. My daughter is a Level 8 (first year) and still has not truly gotten her giant. She has alot of fear on doing it. She CAN do it, but balks alot of the time, and quite frankly...they look real ugly when she does do them (which is rare). This obviously is hurting her scoring in meets. Our gym coach chose to move her up (actually last year she did level 7 and then moved right into 8), where she did level 8 (and even made and competed in states) without her giants. Now once again a level 8 (obviously) and she still is not doing them. Is there some trick to help her master this?? The coach has mentioned something to me about the "tap". He says her shoulders get over, but not her feet. I'm just a mom, not a coach...so I have no idea. Its frustrating to watch her...she is a decent gymnast, and has good form..and manages to do ok on all other events. Is there anyone who can give me some insight??? She is losing her self-confidence and dreads competitions now. (she is 12) I hate to see her give up.