Gold !! Silver !! Bronze !!

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Loved it!!! I was a little concerned after beam (especially for Ruby as wasn't sure what her floor could score) but what an amazing final! Claudio's floor is such a crowd pleaser.

The other home nations girls did well too. Emma White (Scotland) and Georgie Hockenhull (Wales) are both west mids girls so I was cheering especially for them too! I really enjoyed seeing Grace Harrison compete for Isle of Mann. She looked so happy! And of course it was lovely to see Lizzy Beddoe do so well. I've loved her for such a long time now, ever since she has little blonde pigtails at level 4!
The celebrations here were huge (I'll admit, I cried as Claudias floor result came in, it's so nice to see a girl from DDs club do so well)

Massively deserved results for all the girls, a true team spirit too :)
I did think Frag got a generous vault score today. Not so clean in the air and an iffy landing. Nice that she got gold, but even though it sounds like Canadian bias I think Ellie Black was cleaner.
That prod vault was a terrifying sight to behold and I really do not think that should have beat our Chloe Sims. That vault needs devaluing unless they actually land on feet. A squat that deep with bum brush of the mats should have a big deduction.

Loved the bars results. Great routines.
I did think Frag got a generous vault score today. Not so clean in the air and an iffy landing. Nice that she got gold, but even though it sounds like Canadian bias I think Ellie Black was cleaner.

I agree, I was convinced Frags was getting silver. Ellie was lovely.
That prod vault was a terrifying sight to behold and I really do not think that should have beat our Chloe Sims. That vault needs devaluing unless they actually land on feet. A squat that deep with bum brush of the mats should have a big deduction.

Loved the bars results. Great routines.

I think they should just take the produnova out of the wag code altogether. It was scary today and that was the best I've ever seen anyone manage it! Makes my blood run cold.
It will be interesting to see who will go to the world champs in October. I can't see how they can leave out Dan Keating. The girls it will be interesting if the team make up changes.
P&F's claim to fame is that she competed beam at the same time as Lizzie Beddoe, she could hardly keep her eyes on her own beam

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