Worked a gymnast through her back tuck block.
"Lost it" about two weeks ago. Great kid but very teary and so hard on herself.
Would not flip during floor rotation and I had to catch her several times and get her safely to the floor on her back after the BHS, set, not go. Did fine on Tumbl Trak.
Had to convice, really, beg her to put it aside and get out of her head and stop trying for a while.
Worked with her again later while team mates started conditioning. Balked a couple more times, then completed 5. I made her stop after that so we could end on a great note. Hopefully, her confidence is better and she will trust that she can do it at next practice.
I love it when I feel like I really make a difference :goodvibes:.
"Lost it" about two weeks ago. Great kid but very teary and so hard on herself.
Would not flip during floor rotation and I had to catch her several times and get her safely to the floor on her back after the BHS, set, not go. Did fine on Tumbl Trak.
Had to convice, really, beg her to put it aside and get out of her head and stop trying for a while.
Worked with her again later while team mates started conditioning. Balked a couple more times, then completed 5. I made her stop after that so we could end on a great note. Hopefully, her confidence is better and she will trust that she can do it at next practice.
I love it when I feel like I really make a difference :goodvibes:.