Parents Great Day for DD - Brag Alert

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Moderator/Proud Parent
Aug 25, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Everyone - first of all I want to say Thank You for all the fairies. DD had a great meet.

The meet was VERY long !!!! There were 11 girls in DD's group and it was VERY competitive:

Beam: 9.325 - 2nd Place
Floor: 9.300 - (personal best) no place :eek:
Vault: 8.875 - no place
Bars: 9.150 - 6th Place

AA: 36.525 - 5th Place

She had a very tough group. Girls scoring 9.8's. Her teammate in the next age level scored an AA of 36.825 and had 1st AA.

Her form and confidence were much improved today !!
What great scores! Congrats on a wonderful job. I can't believe 9.3 didn't even place, harsh! Glad to see that her confidence and form keep improving. Way to go!
Holy moly those are great scores, but the AA floors me, to be that good and be 5th makes me wonder about compulsories, or maybe the gyms!

She must be feeling so proud of how ell she did after overcoming her injury.
WOW! What a great day! amazing scores... I am sure her confidence is now through the roof!

Congrats on the personal best, too! Bummer a 9.3 wasn't high enough to get a medal!
Wow! What a great meet! Those scores are amazing! I am glad that she is feeling more confident and that AA score is awesome! Excellent job!
Holy moly those are great scores, but the AA floors me, to be that good and be 5th makes me wonder about compulsories, or maybe the gyms!

She must be feeling so proud of how ell she did after overcoming her injury.

She is very proud and we are as well. This is an optional level - Rookie 1 - which is somewhat between L3 and L4 if you want a compulsory comparison. Rumor has it the gym w/ the huge scores keeps girls back to win. Again, cannot confirm. They were all very good. That gyms floor scores ranged from 9.5 to 9.925. It was crazy.

Sadly, they will be at the State Meet in a few weeks as well, not sure DD has a shot against girls scoring over 9.5 on every event. Oh well. She did amazing and it was her 2nd best meet ever. So, I will certainly not complain !!!
WOW those are great scores! Good for her!!! Those great scores definitely boost her confidence and keep her wanting to come back for more. Give her a big congratulatory hug!
Congrats....what great scores! I have to agree with everyone else....that 9.3 didn't score any place??? Must have been some really tough competition, but she did well!!!
Congrats....what great scores! I have to agree with everyone else....that 9.3 didn't score any place??? Must have been some really tough competition, but she did well!!!

I looked online. Her 9.3 was 9th place out of 11 !!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek:
Those are some awesome scores!!!!:eek: That is crazy that with that AA she got 5th!
She did AWESOME...I mean, you can only do what you can do...and it seems like she did her very best!
Congrats to her!
Fantastic scores!! Hard to believe with those great scores she didn't place higher. This was the tigerpaw meet wasn't it? There were some great gymnasts there with really high scores. We had a level 7 that had an AA of over 38 and didn't place as high as I thought. I am sure you are as proud a punch. Are you going to Chs. Cup next weekend? If so good luck. Maybe we will see you there. I think we are competing on Sunday early. Let me know if you all are going to be there then. We will look for you. Again, congrats to your DD, she did great.
This was actually Hang 10.0 in Wilmington NC. We will be competing in Raleigh this weekend.

DE is going to camp in Myrtle Beach in July
Yay for your dd! :jump::applause: Great scores, and very nice placements, especially when you consider that she was out for so long w/ her injury. We are proud of her! :)

Are you going to post any video? :rolleyes:
Wow your dd did great!I am sure she is having a blast doing her own routines after having to do those boring L3 routines.
Those are great scores! I can't even imagine people getting a 9.8 here!
Yay for your dd! :jump::applause: Great scores, and very nice placements, especially when you consider that she was out for so long w/ her injury. We are proud of her! :)

Are you going to post any video? :rolleyes:

I hope to, but I cannot find my connector to the computer!!! And for some reason I have not been able to upload my video's I will keep trying

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