This is what I do and have always done.

With YG, her first year of Xcel Gold, she didn't do acro or a full turn on beam. That meant that she had a 9.0 SV. When she got an 8.1 on beam, I was super happy for her. She was only 10 years old (youngest Xcel on our team). I told her that 8.1 meant the judge only found 90¢ in deductions. It was the best she had ever done on beam. I reminded her that her previous best (old L4 - 2012-13 season) beam score was 8.0 with a 10.0 SV, so that time she lost $2.00 in deductions.
LSS is a senior, so it isn't as easy to get her to reframe things that way, but I still try.
We are also working on ways to minimize the built-in deductions. I honestly don't expect her to even attempt beam acro in a meet until at least January. We are trying to get her a roundoff so she doesn't have to worry about 2 skills AND connecting them.
On Bars, we are working on getting casts higher and possibly getting her squat on back or trying a straddle on. She also wants a clear hip and is slowly working on that.
On floor, she has everything, but can't put her front pike or back tuck to competition landing surface yet.
On vault, she has her 1/2 on - repulsion off. She is working on getting her 1/2-1/2 back.
She got her senior leo last night and LOVES it! I am hoping that will give her the boost in morale to accept lower scores for now.