Ok, not looking for diagnosis, just clarification. My dd had a bad wrist sprain and bone bruise that kept her out about 5 weeks or so in the spring. Fast forward to summer training. Re injured same place, but only a mild sprain. No pain unless pushing back on hand. Doc cleared her after 2 weeks (yesterday). Went to practice last night, not full out, with taped wrist, but had to stop midway through with some pain. Iced it at practice and when she got home. Got a script for PT to get some strengthening exercises, starting next week. Anyway, my question is, no one mentioned "gymnast wrist". Is that different, more of a recurring overuse type thing? Coaches have suggested tape at all times on beam (both injuries were on BWO BHS) and some type of velcro compression strap going forward. Someone suggested a "wrist widget". Tiger paws also maybe for tumbling and vault. She had an injury filled season last year that did a number on her confidence, and now in summer training was kicking *** ! Just want her to be healthy. Guess I am just looking for similar stories and what type of support people have used in similar circumstances. I am hoping the PT will have some suggestions for that as well, he is familiar with gymnasts so hoping so! Thanks!