Hi my name is Samantha and I am a proud parent of three gymnasts! Alexis age 11, Allison age 9, and Alyssa age 5. They go to a wonderful gym in Sugar Grove IL Maximum Gymnastics. They have an outstanding coaching staff with Jason MacDonald being their head coach. My girls have been in the sport for 5 yrs and as you well know this is a very expensive sport. I am a RN working full time and my husband is a general contractor/carpenter. The company that he works for has closed and he is having difficulty finding steady work. The building industry has slowed greatly. I had to tell my girls that we no longer could keep them in gymnastics, this was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I feel so bad that I can not offer this to them they are great kids with wonderful attitudes. Their coaches love them and they will be missed as the kids will also miss them. Alexis is currently a team member competing with Team Max. I don’t think that any of them are future Olympic gymnasts, but they do!! And they work hard and love the sport. I do see the great benefits of this sport and love to watch and support them. They are my Olympians. I feel this is affecting my oldest Alexis the most at this time because she knows that at the end of this month when she has to resign she will not be able to go back into the sport at the level she is at or with her team members. She is 11 and competing 2nd yr level 5 with a goal of going to level 7 next year. Allison is on pre team level 4 and wants so bad to have the opportunity to compete at gymnastics, her current goal is to get her kip so she can compete. And little Alyssa she is just a natural and would probably be the one with the most talent in the sport because of starting young with a great coach. She is currently on the developmental team as a mini star. I would love to be able to help these girls complete their goals but financially now I can’t keep them in. Their schooling and our home bills have to come first. They are all very understanding of this and have offered everything they have to help us out. Alexis even said mom you can have my money from babysitting for your bills! We are not so finically destitute that we are going to lose anything we just can not afford the $8,000.00 – $10,000.00 a yr gym bill. We live in a modest house and drive older vehicles. We have a great life and family and will be fine with out gymnastics if it needs to be that way. What I am looking for at this time is if there are any programs that would finically help a child in this sport? Alexis is currently a USAG member. Your response would be greatly appreciated. My home e-mail is [email protected] my work e-mail is [email protected].