WAG Gymnastics in France

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Numpty Watcher
Proud Parent
Aug 28, 2011
Reaction score
We are off on our Hollibobs to France next week - big smilie,first holiday in 5 years.

I have looked at the area and there are two gyms nearby so thought I would email them and ask if they accepted visiting gymnasts as a treat for Pink and Fluffy.

One is on holiday ( well it is August in France) but the other has offered her the chance to train.

I was interested to read the following on their website :

Dans le cadre de la gymnastique de compétition, les pratiquants peuvent être amenés à s'entrainer beaucoup plus suivant leur niveau.

Au niveau régional, 4 à 6 h d'entrainement suffisent, et là encore, cela reste facile à concilier avec l'école.

Au niveau national, un minimum de 10h par semaine est nécessaire, et cela, dès l'age de 10 ans (voir avant). L'effort est surtout pour les familles car les gymnastes n'ont aucun problèmes pour assumer physiquement ces entrainements. Les entraineurs du GCRY sont là pour veiller sur les enfants et la politique du club est de rester sur des charges horaires hebdomadaires inférieur à 15 heures. (certaine structure demande aux jeunes de s'entrainer + de 20h/semaine, pas chez nous).

Basically, 4-6 hours a week for regional level and 10-15 hours a week for national level.

I have checked the French gymnastics website and they are ranked 13th in the country and have had several champions. I was surprised at the hours. Does anyone else have experience of average hours in France ?

I hope P&F wants to go because I'm interested in their training methods now.
I don't know the training hours of France, but I do believe their training programs are better than Australia's. (Aus. has an insane system.) I would go anyways just to check it out.

"The people with the most fear have the greatest opportunity to be brave."
I went on a short exchange to france and trained while I was over there. I didn't' come to understand the system but the girls I trained with were regional and I think trained about 7-9 hours a week (I know it was 3 times but can't remember if 2.5 or 3 hour trainings). Regional was about Australia's 4/5 from what I can remember. Something i did notice was that there seemed to be some skills that just don't exist where I am - e.g. Cartwheel entry into handstand on beam then step down so you end up standing sideways on the beam.
It varies a great deal from one club to another.

The club that has offered your daughter a chance to train has a light schedule and is proud of it:

la politique du club est de rester sur des charges horaires hebdomadaires inferieur à 15 heures. (certaine structure demande aux jeunes de s'entrainer + de 20h/semaine, pas chez nous).

This translates to:"Certain structures require that gymnasts competing at a national level train more then 20 hours a week,we do not require more then 15 hours a week."

It sounds like a great environment for a bit of cross cultural holiday fun!

This club does not have an elite/international track.

In France,girls who show outstanding ability often leave their local clubs when they turn 11 and go and train at one of four national training centers.Some clubs have elite track programs that feed these national training centers,others don´t.

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