Deleted member 18037
I just read the article and thought, "should I share this with my 12 year old DD?". I think maybe it is too much. But I do want to maybe share similar. I think she should be aware of all that's going on. She'd been to the ranch and knows all about Naser.
But I also want her to be aware that there is lesser abuse happening that is still abuse. I want her to stick up for friends if she ever sees it and to stick up for herself too.
Has anyone shared these accounts with your gymnasts? Any that are maybe a little less intense? Or would you share this one? She goes to various camps where I never meet the coaches. I trust her coaches but there are others that come and go and we are not encouaged to watch practice. Which I'm kind of over anyway. I want her to be empowered with knowledge that part of this culture is not acceptable.
Yes I have.
My child likes to ponder before she chats. And she will talk much easier about someone else rather then a if this happened or is it happening to you approach. Also, I would rather know what she is hearin/seeing/reading then have her stumbling on it herself and feel like she needs to keep it a secret.
I am the same with TV and movies, she can watch pretty adult type programs with me (sometimes I watch first, then with her). It leads to some good conversations. Usually days or weeks after in the car. But I can clearly see she has been thinking.