I definitely can relate to how you feel. My oldest dd just turned 6 but she has been going twice a week since she was 4. I also have a year old in gymnastics but thankfully they go at the same time to the gym. On top of that I have a 14 month old ds who I have to take with me to the gym. My 6 year old added a 2.5 level 4 practice on Fridays but I just drop her off like a sack of potatoes. Starting this week she will have privates for an hour Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays that will bascially focus of strength & flexibility. Wednesday She has level 4 for 2.5 hours and Friday she has a private lesson for 2 hours. They now want to move up my 4 year old to pre-team which means she will practice twice a week in the mornings. So I will be going to the gym twice on some days.
Then there is school. They go to private school so there isn't a bus. One goes 8-3 everyday and the other goes 8-11 3 times a week. I live in my van. lol It gets exausting hauling the baby around with us everywhere. When my dd first started gymnastics I knew it would eventually be like this, but nothing can prepare you for the dedication that your daughter and you will have to put in. I honestly don't know what i would do with my time if I had it back. My dd came home from a 2.5 hour practice the other day and said my whole body hurts, i hate gymnastics, I want to quick. But the next day she finally did the skill she has been working hard on and said, never mind I dont want to quit. lol Anyhow, when competition starts It will be tiring for me we will have to travel minimum for hours for her meets and stay in a hotel, etc..
Financially it can be draining. I joked with the coach the other day and said I might have to get a job to pay for gymnastics. I am a stay at home mom.

Then there is school. They go to private school so there isn't a bus. One goes 8-3 everyday and the other goes 8-11 3 times a week. I live in my van. lol It gets exausting hauling the baby around with us everywhere. When my dd first started gymnastics I knew it would eventually be like this, but nothing can prepare you for the dedication that your daughter and you will have to put in. I honestly don't know what i would do with my time if I had it back. My dd came home from a 2.5 hour practice the other day and said my whole body hurts, i hate gymnastics, I want to quick. But the next day she finally did the skill she has been working hard on and said, never mind I dont want to quit. lol Anyhow, when competition starts It will be tiring for me we will have to travel minimum for hours for her meets and stay in a hotel, etc..
Financially it can be draining. I joked with the coach the other day and said I might have to get a job to pay for gymnastics. I am a stay at home mom.