Gymnastics Photographer

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Hi! I'm a gymnastics photographer in the Phoenix area. I love the sport and the passion the athletes bring to it. If you are a gymnast or coach who's looking for photographs, please contact me! If you're a fan of my photos, thanks! I'd love to hear from you too! I posted a gallery here recently. A portfolio of my photography and inspirational/motivational gymnastics art can be found at

Hope to meet lots of fellow gymnastics enthusiasts!
Amanda Manfredi
Welcome. I love your gym pictures. I have a dd starting level 4 and photography is my hobby. I can't wait to try to take some at her meet. I would love any tips you may have.

Hello Amanda,

wow that is BEAUTIFUL work! :) I just had a look and your website and love your photos! :)
I`m also taking gymnastics photos actually - but mainly only that! :)
I`ll be happy to talk to you about photography and other stuff any time. I guess I could learn from you. ;) I also like the overall design of your website. :)

What a great response from a great community! I really have a passion for gymnastics photography. Sports photography is always challenging, but indoor sports can be especially tough. I just love the dedication and enthusiasm that comes through in every performance and I always feel honored just to witness it! Thanks for your complements.
Most of my gymnastics work comes from Link Removed in Scottsdale, Arizona. In fact, I did all of the photography for their site if you're interested in seeing more of my work. Unfortunately, the gym is moving and I haven't found a new place to shoot yet. If anyone here knows of a gym looking for an Arizona sports, dance, and gymnastics photographer I'd love to hear about them! I'm also available for individual sessions and if you have some existing photos of your gymnast that you'd like to have artistically rendered please feel free to contact me either here or through my website: .
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