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We had a thread a while back on the site that was for gymnastics quotes. I just thought I would start up a new one. Below is a link to the original a bunch of quotes from gymnasts...feel free to add some more...

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A comeback in gymnastics is almost impossible in itself. ~Shawn Johnson

After 13 years of hard landings in gymnastics, one ski run had delivered the biggest injury of my career. ~Shawn Johnson

And we lost a lot because of that, and I think this is future gymnastics to separate ages. Because kids can do it more than adult. A woman and adult woman can show more than the small kids. ~Olga Korbut

Anyway I will go same road because I, I was born in gymnastics. This is my, how to say, my life and my duty. ~Olga Korbut

Because up to sixteen years old you feel gymnastics more. You can show your emotion, grace, like woman gymnastics, not kid's gymnastics. I feel I have good shape, and I can do it elements everything, but, it's not competition for me. ~Olga Korbut

But let me do I will show the world what gymnastics looks like. Well may be this is a future gymnastics. ~Olga Korbut

But, I couldn't live without creation gymnastics. ~Olga Korbut
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Gymnastics is the type of sport where you can't take something that gives you more energy. Something may be great for the vault, but then you have the bars after it and you have to be more sedate for that. ~Shannon Miller

Gymnastics taught me everything - life lessons, responsibility and discipline and respect. ~Shawn Johnson

Gymnastics uses every single part of your body, every little tiny muscle that you never even knew. ~Shannon Miller

Gymnastics, especially in my family, is more than a sport. It's our life, it's our careers, it's our family business. ~Nastia Liukin

I had ridiculous amounts of energy. Mom's like, you're driving me crazy - do you want to try gymnastics? From the moment I started it, I loved it and it kind of was like storybook from there. ~Alicia Sacramone

I have had a few turning points, the first day I entered a gymnastics school at age 6. ~Nadia Comaneci

I started from zero and went back to the basics in gymnastics. ~Shawn Johnson

I think this is all my life. Because if I was split gymnastics and something else like far, fun or to go with friends. No, this, you're supposed to one go, one straight road and to do every day. And touch the wall, of the goal. ~Olga Korbut

I want to bring more gymnastics on television. ~Shannon Miller

I worked hard in gymnastics since the time I was six years old until I retired at 23 years of age. ~Nadia Comaneci
Yay! I don't know why, but I have a strange obsession with quotes. My favorite gym quote is my signature. Here is a link to a page with a bunch of good gym quotes/sayings:
Gymnastics Sayings
I also love the "You know you're a gymnast when" ones. If you go on Youtube and type that in there are a ton of videos. Here are some I can think of off the top of my head:

You know you're a gymnast when:

A spot is not a stain
Giants aren't green and jolly
An aeriel is not a princess
A flip flop is more than just a sandal
Splits have nothing to do with bananas
You have a permanent dent in your hair from your ponytail
You own more leotards than clothes
You use chalk more than soap
Bars have nothing to do with jail or drinking
A vault is not a place to put money
Your coaches are like your second parents, and your teammates are like your sisters
You think your bed is a trampoline
You remember every routine you've ever competed
You can fall asleep in the splits
You sit in a straddle while watching TV
You point your toes in your sleep
You walk on anything that resembles a balance beam
You'd rather shop for leos than clothes
"Mat" is your fifth food group
You can't remember the last time you weren't in pain
The gym is your second home
When you bend down to pick something up, your leg shoots up to a perfect scale
You can't imagine your life without it.

There are a ton more that I can't remember at the moment.

And then there is my favorite: Do You Remember When?
I'm going to make another post with that because this one is getting really long.
"Gymnastics is having the strength to hold on and the courage to let go." LiveLoveTumble's sig.
"Champions are made when nobodies looking."
Okay, here is: Do You Remember When?

Do you remember when you first started gymnastics?
It was so much fun,
Because all you had to do was try your best.
Competing was for a new leo and glitter,
Because everyone got a medal.
Mistakes were little,
And could always be fixed another time.
And you just knew you were going to the Olympics.
And you wanted to go to gymnastics every day.
And you were just desperate to get a rip.
And on Monday mornings, all the girls would take their medals to school
To show the teacher.
And you would watch the "big girls" train and think,
"I want to be just like them"
But then things started to get hard.
Now, when you fall, it hurts,
And it's so much harder to get back up again.
And no matter how hard you try,
There's always that one skill,
That you just can't get.
Competitions became so much more serious,
And only a few girls get medals.
And what you place means the difference between a smile and tears,
Because there are no second chances.
And you found out what it was like to be THE best,
So just trying your best,
Will never be quite good enough again.
The girls you were best friends with start to disappear.
Your team gets smaller and smaller.
And on Monday mornings, the talk is all about parties and boys,
And you can't join in.
And some days you just hate it.
And the pain just gets worse.
And you just want to quit.
But then one day at training,
Out of the corner of your eye,
You see a little girl watching you.
And you realize how far you've come,
And how good you really are.
Because a few years ago,
That little girl,
Was you.

Pretty much what most girls go through at gymnastics. I did not make this up! This is the original video: Do You Remember When? - YouTube

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