Don't know her level, nor do I know your time constraints and financial situation but regarding
"not giving her all" or "having the head game to work upskills"
I realize I don't know your kid. But I would suggest you reflect on why you think these things. Again, you don't owe any of us an explanation but as the degree of difficulty goes up it just takes longer. Not every kid is a fearless skill chucker. Especially as they get older an yes 12 in the mental game of gymnastics qualifies as older.
She is realizing this is scary stuff.
So my long story for pondering.
If I were to base my kids progress, "not giving her all" or having the "mental game" on how quick she acquired skills, the mill circle and kip might of made me pull her.
My molasses moves quicker then my kid acquiring skills. But she keeps plugging away. Not unhappy and not quick. They have been drilling for tsuks for more then a year I would say. And started the kids doing actual tsuks last year. Mine could flip them into the pit. Everyone else on her team has been flipping and landing onto the mats, for months, oh they weren't necessarily pretty or doing them consistently...... but way ahead of my turtle. Who just this week has now landed them multiple times on her feet, on the mat.
I tell you this not to get kudos for my kid. But because its her sport, her learning curve. She was/is not miserable taking so long. And that is not to say she has not had frustrating moments. Of course she has, but she is overall happy in the gym and happy with her progress.
I've had folks, (even around here) tell me she couldn't possibly get to optionals doing low hours and with her slow progression. And no she doesn't score as well as 20-30 hour kids, especially if she doesn't do a second year at what ever level. So it means less medals. She is OK with this.
No she isn't going to do gymnastics in college, certainly not on a gymnastics ride, certainly not Div 1.
Clearly the Olympics and Elite are not her path
Folks will say why have her do this then? Aren't you wasting your money and time?
What she has gotten out of gym has been well worth the money and time we have spent.
She is strong. Recognized as the best female athlete at her school.
She has learned a ton about patience, hard work, being well rested, time mangagement, how much strength and conditioning helps in many areas.
This sport will help her if she decides to change directions and move to a different sport and I do believe she could do Div 3 in a different if she decides to change direction.
Please make sure when thinking about your daughter and her progress its about her and not about what the outside is doing.