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Hi, I am new to CB, so I thought I could do a little meet and greet kind of thing. There is no format, you can just put a brief description about yourself and kids. (I know there are the "Get to know you" sticky on the top of the page, so this is more of an updated version:p)

This is mine:

My name is Annie, I have 7 year olds (just turned 7 in August) level 5\6 triplets, Hannah, Leah, and Allison. I put them in a rec class at age 3 because they always loved to climb and jump. About 4 months later, they moved the to "advanced pre-school" (1 step lower than pre-team) At age 5 they moved them to pre-team. They are doing 1 level 4 meet than right on to level 5. Hannah's favorite event is bars, Leah's is beam, and Al's is floor. They go 3 times a week. Tuesday from 4-7:30, Thursday from 4-7:30, and Saturday from 12- 4.

Now it is your turn.:)
Hi Annie! I'm Kathy and I have a 9 yr old daughter (Level 4) named Danica and a 6 yr old son (boys rec classes) named Julian. Danica did All-Star cheer for 3 years and switched to gymnastics in April. The cheer thing was fun for the most part (check out the pics in my album)--it just got outrageously expensive and there was way too much drama!! Last year she did cheer at a top named gym that was very competitive and very cut-throat. We decided to give that all a break and try out gymnastics. So far she LOVES it!! And Julian is really liking his classes as well. I am hoping that they will start a boys developmental team soon. Link Removed

Welcome to the CB and WOW--triplets??? All doing gymnastics??? God bless you!!! LOL

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Welcome Annie,
Just a quick question for you....
Are you girls competitive with each other? Does one usually do better?
Welcome Annie,
Just a quick question for you....
Are you girls competitive with each other? Does one usually do better?

They are very competitive. At meets they tend to relax a bit more, but at practices it is constant competition. They all have different strengths- Hannah is very good on bars- already starting on kip cast handstand on high bar. Leah loves beam, always had that grace and balance. Then Allison is a great tumbler on floor. At meets, they usually score better on events than AA, but it tends to vary. At our last meet- Ally got 1st AA.
Nah, the gym bill is worth it when you think of cold rainy Saturdays outside for soccer!! Brrrr!!!

My oldest is 7 and gave up soccer this spring for gym. She started back in Dec as something to do during soccer's offseason and is now competing L3.

Her sister is 5 and does rec, although she was invited to join the L2 group. She says "Nah, I just wanna have fun, maybe in the spring!"., Sure, whatever. She walks to the beat of a different drum and is the reason we got involved in gymnastics. She played one season of soccer as a 4yo but was a head & shoulders shorter than everyone else and was PO'ed when they would get to the ball before her (hey, her legs are short, she can't run as fast!!). I couldn't find a 4yo wrestling team for girls, so gymnastics it was!!

And their little brother just turned 3 and is in the preschool gym. He thinks it's completely unfair that his sisters have sparkly leos and he wears a tank shirt & shorts! He wants a shiny pink leo too!!

Me, I do daycare during the day, sew leos at night, and just have fun the rest of the time!
Nah, the gym bill is worth it when you think of cold rainy Saturdays outside for soccer!! Brrrr!!!

My oldest is 7 and gave up soccer this spring for gym. She started back in Dec as something to do during soccer's offseason and is now competing L3.

Her sister is 5 and does rec, although she was invited to join the L2 group. She says "Nah, I just wanna have fun, maybe in the spring!"., Sure, whatever. She walks to the beat of a different drum and is the reason we got involved in gymnastics. She played one season of soccer as a 4yo but was a head & shoulders shorter than everyone else and was PO'ed when they would get to the ball before her (hey, her legs are short, she can't run as fast!!). I couldn't find a 4yo wrestling team for girls, so gymnastics it was!!

And their little brother just turned 3 and is in the preschool gym. He thinks it's completely unfair that his sisters have sparkly leos and he wears a tank shirt & shorts! He wants a shiny pink leo too!!

Me, I do daycare during the day, sew leos at night, and just have fun the rest of the time!

Too cute! LOL, my nephew does like a pre-school gymnastics program, and my girls and their cousins dressed him up like a girl! With hair and the shiny pink leo, and he was loving it.:p
Hi Annie,

my DD turned 8 this summer. She is repeating L3 this fall (needed to 'pretty' things up a bit - has trouble staying tight sometimes) but has all of her L4 skills and is working some L5 skills. She is supposed to move up in January. Her first meet is the coming Sunday. She also plays soccer. Her first game is tomorrow.

I also have a DS, who will be 12 next month. He did rec classes for a while but just decided to take a break. He wants to try basketball this winter. He is in his first year of middle school.

I workk full time during the day and spend a lot of time in the car, at the gym and at the soccer field. I just started coaching some pre-school classes at the gym as well. I love to scrapbook.
I live in Quebec, though am from the UK originally. I have three kids.

DS, 16, in last year of high school, he will leave home in 10 months to study. Not into organised sport, he skis, bikes and loves gaming in all it's forms.

DD, 12, about a level 6/7, she has been plagued with injury for the past two years that, combined with the growth spurt, has really slowed her down. She loves gym and her gym buddies, she doesn't love competing, but we only do 3 meets a year.

DD, 9, about a level 4/5, likes to compete, has fun at gym with her pals, great immersion as she is the only English kid with the 7 French girls. Boy she has a great accent.

Kids all ski, ice skate, snowboard etc

Me, I am a stay at home Mom, I help with hubbies Dental Practice and volunteer in the local schools. I drive way too much as school and gym are 40 minutes away and the girls do not train at the same time or on the same day!

I used to coach in the UK until I got carpal tunnel syndrome and feared I would drop some munchkin! I love gymnastics, glad my girls do too. But I realise they will outgrow the sport before I do.

Spend too much time here, but it's free, unlike gas for the car.:)
Me, I am a stay at home Mom, I help with hubbies Dental Practice and volunteer in the local schools. I drive way too much as school and gym are 40 minutes away and the girls do not train at the same time or on the same day!

OMGosh, kudos to you!! I think I'd lose my mind if I was ferrying my kids to the gym on different days!! (30 min drive here) I was happy when dd2 said she wanted to stay rec this year because the L2 trains on opposite days than L3 and I did NOT want to be driving!!
Okay, I'll play.

I have 2 girls. And also 1 husband who does not get or enjoy gymnastics. Although I must say she was interested in the Olympics, and it was the only time he did not complain daughter was not home to eat dinner together because she was at practice! We wish the Olympics were every year!

Oldest is 10, first year in middle school (6th grade) and is repeating L5. She finished L4 strong (36's), and she did okay as L5 last year (34's), but we have switched to a new gym right down the street and the coach is a judge who wanted her to work on some flexibility issues, which has seen much improvement over the summer. I figure it will only help her in the long run if she is able to stick with it (doesn't get the "I want to quit" bug). She does chorus after school, but that's about it for other activities. We figure she needs time to just play with neighborhood kids. She very dedicated to school, and even came home upset with a progress report because she can't find the paper the teacher said she got a C on, even though all other grades were A's. She's in all advanced classes.

Youngest is 8, almost 9. She's in 4th grade, and school does not impress her as much. She's in the advanced classes, but doesn't have the drive of her sister. She is a non-gymmie, although she likes to play during open gyms. She takes dance, chorus and drama.

I work part-time doing administrative work around the kids school schedule. Drop off kids at school, go to work, pick up kids from school, take them home to eat and change, off to activites. I know you all know how that goes!

Welcome. I love the information I get on her. Hope you enjoy.
Hello, hello Annie & Welcome to the CB! I am mom to a L5/6 gymmie as well, also 7 (Sep) :D.

Wow! :eek: 3 the same age and on the same team in gymnastics - I think I would possibly go mad. LOL. Curious, are they fraternal?
I can't even imagine 3 in gymnastics at the same time. It was bad enough when 2 of girls did it. Bless you and welcome!

I figured I would post here since I never really introduced myself when I made my first post a couple months ago. I have 3 girls. DD#1 is a freshman in high school this year. She doesn't like gymnastics and gets irritated with DD#3 who can't stop doing cartwheels and handstands in the house. :eek: She's not much for sports, but she does run track.

DD#2 is in 5th grade and will be 11 soon. She started a kindergym class when she was in kindergarten. She moved onto team in 2nd grade and competed for 3 years (L4x2 and L5). She was going to do prep-opt this year, but she quit in August due to an ongoing wrist condition with her growth plate. It looks like she will now be doing all-star cheer instead. They only tumble once per week, so we'll see how it goes with her wrist. DD#2 is my active one. Name any sport and she wants to try it. She plays travel softball as well, and she also wants to play on a rec league for basketball and volleyball in the winter.

DD#3 is 6 and in 1st grade this year. She started gym when she was 3 and went to the training team when she was 4 and spent 2 years there. She is a L4 this year. She has so much energy, and she is almost fearless. She loves to tumble. Floor and vault are her favorites. Her first meet is in 2 months, so we'll see how it goes.
hello Annie,

I have two girls: Olivia 5 years old competing Level 3, and Julia 4 years old in an advance Level 1/2 class.
Olivia trains 3 hours a day 3 times a week. Julia trains 1.5 hours a day 2 times a week. And although Olivia is more naturally talented, Julia is more passionate about it. So we'll see what the future holds for my gymmies.

I work part time as an Insurance Agent and spend the rest of my time enjoying my girls.
Hey Annie - welcome to chalk bucket. I have 3 kids

DD1: She is 11 and is the gymmie in the house. She started at around 6 years old. Now she is a level 7 - though having a tough time right now with a wrist injury. She absolutely loves the sport and loves competing. Her favorite part is going to meets whether she wins or not.

DD2: 10 years old. She has tried just about everything: gymnastics, dance, figure skating, soccer, chorus, choir, piano lessons, voice lessons, rock climbing - I'm sure I'm forgetting a few. Anyway now she has settled on soccer and theater and is very happy with those. Oh yeah - I knew I forgot one - cheerleading too, lol.

DS: He is 6 years old and my little love bug and beast all rolled into one. He plays ice hockey which is good - he needs an aggressive sport to get rid of some of his energy.

I am kinda like dd2 - I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I used to be in contracts for aerospace - but working 70 hours a week and traveling a lot just doesn't work with having kids. Then I was teaching for a while and realized I wasn't loving that. So for now I have decided to be a SAHM to try and figure out what the heck I want to do.
Hello and Welcome! And thanks for a fun thread.

I have three kids- two sons (13 and 5) and one daughter (6) who is my gymmie. My oldest son has finally found an interest in Choi Kwang Do and it doing very well with it, though he's still a beginner. Before that, he tried soccer, choir, voice lessons, piano lessons, and hip hop dance. I'm so glad he's finally found an activity he enjoys. And, he and DH to it together, which is nice for them to share an interest. My youngest son is challenged just by behaving himself all day long at school (full-day kindergarten) so he has no other activity yet. I'm thinking maybe we'll try soccer next fall, after he gets the hang of this school thing.

DD is my gymnast, and that's all she's ever wanted to do. She started just after she turned 4 in a preschool class and moved to a level 2 AAU team last year. She competed this past spring and did very well, winning two state titles (bars and AA) in her age group. So now, she has skipped level 3 and is training L4, but she has some L5 skills, too (she just recently got her kip). She will compete L4 starting in January.

As for me, I'm a stay-at-home mom and I'm almost finished (finally!) earning my bachelor's degree in English. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, either, but as DH and I are thinking about homeschooling DD, the degree may come in handy. :p
Hi & Welcome!

I have 3 kids, oldest DD age 11, and just-turned-8 yr old b/g twins.

DD#1 - will be 12 in Jan (6th grade) and competing USAG Level 8 and USAIGC Gold level. This year, she is also doing town (rec and competition) cheer as well as All Star cheering at our gym.

DD#2 (aka Little Monkey) - turned 8 in July. She will be repeating Level 5. Although she had an ok year (3rd on beam at States in 7 yr old group) she is very small and struggles on bars. She will likely have an awesome season :D Last yr she was State champ on floor for USAIGC Bronze level. This year, she will compete bronze again and be a "specialist" for silver level most likely on beam & fx. She is also cheering (same as sister)

DS (Little Monkey's twin) plays on 2 soccer team (1 travel, 1 rec).

They keep me very busy. I work part time and volunteer alot = Treasurer of PTA at middle school, Girl Scout leader, VP of gym's parent association to name a few!
Hi and welcome! :) I have three kids as well -
DS is 6, he plays soccer and lacrosse and really dislikes having to watch gymnastics. lol
DD #1 is 4 and is level II at her gym. She loves gymnastics - its all she ever wants to do and she can not wait until she can move up to level III so she can practice more and compete.
DD #2 just turned 2 and is doing mommy & me gymnastics. Her favorite thing to do is forward rolls at her brother's soccer games. :p

I think that you will really like this board. The moms here are great and have a lot of really good adive to offer!
Wow and welcome! I'm the stay-at-home (I do some consulting and writing on the side) of multiples, too-- two sets of identical twins. My sons are 6 (they'll be 7 this December) and my girls are 5 (6 on Halloween!). The boys are swimmers and the girls are my gymmies. Ever since the Olympics, though, the boys have started begging to start up gym again so they can be high divers (gulp, gulp). My girls are ready to make the jump from L3 to L4 and are working on L5 skills with their coach. Right now, at least, gymnastics is their dream. Of course, who knows what it will be next year.
Before I was "Mom", I got a degree in linguistics, taught middle school English in inner city Baltimore, and got my JD, specializing in education law. DH is an entrepreneur and techie. We really try our best to make being at home with our brood our number one priority. DH goes into the office by 6 or 6:30 am so he can take the boys to swim practice every day and help with the evening to-dos. I do a lot of volunteering, I'm a room-mom, a Daisy troop leader, and about a hundred other things. I may be busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
Enjoy ChalkBucket!
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Thanks everyone! Looks like there are some multiple moms too.

Ingymmom- my girls are fraternal. Hannah and Ally have blue eyes-Leah has brown. Ally and Leah have blonde hair- Hannah has a dirty blonde.

Looks like all of you guys are busy. It is not that hard of a commute for me- The gym is about 5-10 min away, and all the girls go at the same time. I guess I got lucky;)

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