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Hi Annie! my gymmie is a 10 yr old level 5 and I have ID twin boys that turned 12 almost 2 weeks ago. Nice to meet you :wave:
Hi there-

I am mom to 3 girls, a 7 year old L3, a 4 yr old in rec classes, and a 2 yr old who is waiting at the gym door to start when she turns 3!!:D

We got started in gym when my middle daughter's doctor recommended her to be in gymnastics to help with coordination (she has very mild cerebral palsy) and I let my older daughter take a rec class too, just to be fair. Well, after a little over 6 months my older daughter was invited into the advancaed program and then onto team! So, here we are...

But, I am loving watching both of them and my oldest daughter is now a true gymmie. She trains 9 hrs a week now and wants to be there more...:o

I work two twelve hour days and it's a challenge getting everybody to the gym when they need to be but we have it figured out for now...until oldest dd goes to the next level and then we add 6 more hrs of practice!:eek:

Chalk bucket is great, very supportive folks here.
Hi!! Welcome to the ChalkBucket!

I have 3 children. My Oldest is the gymnast. She is turning 13 (GULP) on Thursday. She is a L7/L8. It sounds like she is going to compete 7 for a third year. She just cant turn that silly Piorutte.

My Middle Daughter is 11 in November. She is competitive dancer. She loves dance. She also plays soccer & softball and loves being the social butterfly.

My youngest is a 4 year old boy! I think he will play soccer next year but for now, he is just being four!

I am a property manager/office manager for a Property Management company. I have been there about a year. I left a job where I was a Project Coordinator working 60 hours a week and traveling once a month out of state. I just couldnt do it anymore.. I was offered this job and it offers me more flexibility I really enjoy it.

Thanks for the fun thread!
Hi, I'm Barb, mom to Lauren AKA "Bug", who is 7 and a level 4 gymmie. I am also mom to Nic who is 8. Both of the kids were adopted from Kazakhstan:kazakhstan:, and that is where I was 7 years ago at this time. Boy has time flew by. I am also an RN in a 12 bed ICU. I work a mix of 12 hour and 8 hour shifts as DH works a week of days and a week of nights. This way it helps with the running of the kids.

Hi! Welcome to the CB. I can't imagine having triplets, must be super fun when all is right and totally not fun when it isn't. LOL.

I have 2 girls.

A turned 6 in July and is my gymmie. She will be competing L4 either this season possibly or for sure in January. She also loves to sing, though we just took her out of her choir class because it was a waste of money. She starts drama in October and I know the teacher and am excited for her as she has wanted to do drama for awhile. She eventually wants to do musical theatre, but who knows. :D She is also a girl scout. We homeschool and she is a 1st grader this year. We homeschool for reasons other than gymnastics, but since she found gymnastics, it has made the choice even sweeter.

M is 2 1/2 and who knows what she likes. She is very versed in gymnastics unfortunately and I think will at least want to try it, LOL. A didn't start till 4 (and had I known anything about competitive gymnastics or that she would even have any talent, I would have waited till she was 5, hindsignt is 20/20) so that is the earliest I will let M start, though I hope she will not want to. For the budget and also because I am still unsure of competitive gymnastics myself.

I stay at home with the girls and homeschool A. We are very active in our homeschool group, girl scouts and we do many field trips. I am a RN, but haven't worked in 3 years and though I plan on working a shift or 2 a week when M turns 3, I am terrified no one will even hire me. LOL. I also voluteered to chair the raffles for our booster club, so that keeps me busy. And I do the website for our homeschool support group. :D
Hey Triplet mom! Just wondering how your season is going. Haven't seen you around in awhile.
Hello! I don't have triplets (bless your heart) but I am a mom of 3. Two boys 15 yo & 13 yo and my daughter is 7.

My oldest son is a swimmer and competes for the high school. He is also competes for the district and state choir with other kids from his high school choir class.

My youngest son isn't much into sports but he's in band, 1st chair french horn. He loves to play video games and torment his brother and sister :)

My daughter is the baby and our little gymnast. She competes level 4 and her first meet of the season is this weekend! *wish us luck!*

I'm a firefighter / medic and when I'm not busy doing that you can find me at my kids various functions cheering them on...loudly! lol!
Hi and welcome!

I have three daughters, all of them in gymnastics - oldest dd is a 14 year old level 5 - she started gymnastics at the age of 12 and is just obsessed with the sport, dd2 is 12 and a new level 7 and littlest dd is 11 years old and a level 3. We moved to the USA almost three years ago and we love being involved in such an organised gymnastics community.

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