WAG Help me find floor music!!!

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Apr 14, 2024
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Hello everyone!! I need new music for my level 6 season at a new gym. I need suggestions, and help. If you have any suggestions, please provide the link! Some current music I like is Sail, and Drunk in Love. I don't think I can use music of youtube, only sites like energym music, floor express, etc.
Are you (or somebody you know) able to cut music to length? If so, ocremix.org is a goldmine for routine music. All of it is free, fully legal to use for this sort of thing.

The particular style of music you're looking for isn't my cup of tea, so there are probably a lot of artists on OCR that do this style but I don't know their names off the top of my head. But if you like heavy-hitting electronic music, probably the first artists I'd search on OCR are tefnek, ebison, and hy bound. Maybe Ziwtra, though his stuff tends to be a bit more high-energy than the examples you gave.
Have you looked at salutemusic.com? I got my music there and its real floor music site like energm and floor express. I really like Flesh & Bone
You can also find a lot of cool floor music in movie soundtracks

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