hi--i'm new

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I am new the website..i have 2 dd who participate in gym. 1 dd is 10 and the other is 8. The 10yo trains pretty seriously and the 8yo does it for fun. they are both at different gyms...for several reasons.

Hope to hear from you...I am anxious about the gym world!!
Welcome, you will LOVE the gym world. Enjoy every moment of it! I remember when I was in your exact same shoes a few years ago. I had a serious 10 year old and an 8 year old that was just there because her sister was. Turns out my 8 year old became the serious gymnast, and the 10 year old moved on to other things. I would never have guessed it! Good luck and check this sight periodically as you will learn lots of stuff about being a gym-mom.

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