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Proud Parent
Mar 15, 2015
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Hi everyone

I have two gymmies, both girls who have been involved with the sport on and off for around 4-5 years. One is competing and has already done a competition this year with another comp next weekend, the other has not really competed yet (unless you include a tiny rec comp last year) but is in a development group, both girls love gymnastics, it is the only thing they do (thankfully for financial and time reasons) except for the odd after school club that interests them.
Hi stumpy

welcome to the madhouse ! There are a few GB posters here and a UK specific forum too
Hi, nice to meet you. I did notice the UK forum but haven't had a chance to pop in and have a look round yet, will do later though.

P.s it doesn't seem too mad here lol.
Never mind, I am already quite mad so I don't mind , I have two daughters who are competitive gymnasts so nothing should scare me right? Lol
what level are they doing ? We have parents of everyone here from Rec to FIG
My youngest is in some kind of development class, they do lots of conditioning.
I am not sure what sort of competitions my daughter will eventually do, or if she will do grades next year or not. All I do know is that my daughter is enjoying gymnastics and doesn't do a high number of hours that can cause burn out, meaning she has time for other things if she wishes.

My oldest has been competing for just over a year and has been successful in her field, she has a few medals and one trophy, she has her grades soon, out of county, I think these grades are national grades.

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