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Apr 23, 2016
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Hi everyone:)
I'm a 19-year-old girl, and I've been wanting to take gymnastics for about 5 or 6 years and never actually got to, but my mom said I can start this summer. I know I'm way too old to actually "do" anything with the sport, but I'd like to be able to compete one day if that's possible. (Are there age limits to compete in low levels or take classes? Just curious...I don't mind being in a group with little kids-I'd expect it, to be honest, but I guess I'm just wondering if it's allowed, if that makes any sense.)
And I'm also wondering what exactly would be realistic goals for me? I'm willing to work hard, but I know that doesn't mean it's realistic to come up with crazy dreams, either. If it makes any difference, I'm about 5'5" ish (maybe 5'4" I'm actually not sure) and pretty average-sized, definitely not fat but certainly not skinny, either.

And a couple random things about me...I LOVE roller coasters (which is where my username came from) and I am kind of obsessed with Frozen, specifically Elsa's character because she's a lot like me. :)

Sorry for the probably stupid questions, and I'm sorry if I posted in the wrong place.
No age limits to competing or classes. You just have to find adult classes near you so you can begin. Not likely they would put an adult in a class with little kids.

As to realistic goals, well one step at a time. Expect to spend a lot of time working on strength and flexibility, expect to start with very, very basic skills.

Welcome to the Chalkbucket.
That's the trouble-I've looked online for gyms in my area, and none have an actual adult gymnastics class, at least not listed on their websites. That's why I was wondering about there being an age limit or something. Is it dumb to just call and ask or something?

I USED to be flexible because I took ballet when I was younger, but...not so much anymore. (middle splits are terrible, terrible, terrible; right about 3 inches off the floor; left about 4. can do a bridge easily though.) I'm trying to start stretching and stuff now so I'm not quite so horrible if/when I can start classes. :P Is there anything specific I should do at home that would help? Again, I'm sorry for the stupid questions.

Thank you for the welcome:)
Totally call and ask. They may have adult classes not listed on their website, but they sure will know what gyms do have them. There probably will be age limits for kids classes, but not for adult classes.

As for anything you can do at home, yes. Get strong. Planks, push up, sit ups, squats, lunges. They will help you from day 1 in the gym. The stronger you are when you start the easier it will be.

Read through the following, he has good ideas.

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I think it's awesome! And no, you are not too old. One meet that my dd went to this year, in the level 8-10 session, there was a 23 yr old competing level 8. And her husband was there holding their year old baby! My dd is 13 and she loved meeting and cheering on this young woman at that competition.

Good luck to you! Welcome to Chalk Bucket!
I think it's awesome! And no, you are not too old. One meet that my dd went to this year, in the level 8-10 session, there was a 23 yr old competing level 8. And her husband was there holding their year old baby! My dd is 13 and she loved meeting and cheering on this young woman at that competition.

Good luck to you! Welcome to Chalk Bucket!
If you are in college (or even near a college), you may want to see if the college has a gymnastics club. Most college clubs are open to all levels - from total beginners to high-level gymnasts. They also compete.
You are definitely not too old to start gymnastics! A few years ago I competed in several meets at age 35! So much fun! I also had a hard time finding a gym that had adult classes so I asked the owners of a local gym if I could do privates with one of their team coaches. I would suggest maybe going that route if you can't find an actual class. Good luck!
As @fuzi said, if you are in or near a college, you are more likely to find a gym that has adult classes.
You could compete NAIGC (College Club gymnastics).
You could also compete AAU in the "Masters" age group.
OR, you could compete USAG Xcel. It all depends on what the gym you find offers. Technically, you could also compete USAG JO, but I would think you would rather have your own music and routines rather than doing the same routines to the same music as 70 others in your level. Once you have the skills (if you get there) to compete JO Optionals, you could petition into L6 or L7.

Good luck and have fun!
I'm guessing that was me. Sorry. It also showed in my new posts. I'm still learning about this app.
I'm guessing that was me. Sorry. It also showed in my new posts. I'm still learning about this app.

If you are new then this thread will be new to you. The dates are on the posts somewhere, that is really the only clue there is. Problem with old posts is that many people have left the forum and so it gets confusing. We try to ignore threads over 3 months old.

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