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Hi everyone, I've been reading the posts here for about 6 weeks, and have finally registered! I am the mom to a 14 yr old level 8 gymnast. We just had states and she qualified to Region 8 regionals, so we are off to Chattanooga in a couple weeks. I've learned alot from reading this site and even though it seems like we should know it all, since we have been going to the gym forever, there is always more to learn. We have been though it all, fears, good meets, bad meets, best friends leaving. My daughter is now the "team elder" she has stuck with it and been on team longer than anyone else there (though she is not the oldest one on team). I have so enjoyed reading this site that I have sent the link to it to all the parents and coaches on her team. Hopefully a lot more will join in the discussions.
You must be in Region 8, congrats on making Level 8 regionals. are u in FL by any chance? It took over a 35.45 to make it in FL. My daughter is Level 10 at the Y in Stuart and we are going to Level 10 Regionals in Huntsville. Good Luck. We have one level 8 going but she is 16.
Welcome to chalkbucket -

we are in NC as well, but we are just beginning our gym journey. dd is 7 yr old L3 ( llikely moving to L4 in May or June - still needs a few skills but getting there).

I think you will enjoy it here.
Welcome :) My dd is an 11 yo level 7 gymnast. It is great having a site to go on to talk to other people living the same crazy life we are isn't it. Congrats to your dd on making regionals!!
Welcome. I totally agree that this a helpful sight! I joined a few weeks a go (maybe a month) and I try to log on daily. My dd is a 9year old level 7.
Good Luck to your DD at Regions!

My DD is 12, she just finished her second season of L7. We are fairly confident she will be a L8 her main hurles are the Tsuk and the direction change on bars.

I am so glad I found "the Bucket" I have met some great moms (and a couple of Dads) who have given me amazing support!
Welcome! The "Bucket" is great!

My DD is 12, Level 6 and is also one of the "team elders"... there are about 4 girls (including my DD) who have been on the team the longest, but like your DD she's not the oldest. We are in NY.
Welcome. Congrats on making regionals. My dd is level 7 (age 9). She will be a level 8 next year. I also think this sight is great!:D
Hi everyone, I've been reading the posts here for about 6 weeks, and have finally registered! I am the mom to a 14 yr old level 8 gymnast. We just had states and she qualified to Region 8 regionals, so we are off to Chattanooga in a couple weeks. I've learned alot from reading this site and even though it seems like we should know it all, since we have been going to the gym forever, there is always more to learn. We have been though it all, fears, good meets, bad meets, best friends leaving. My daughter is now the "team elder" she has stuck with it and been on team longer than anyone else there (though she is not the oldest one on team). I have so enjoyed reading this site that I have sent the link to it to all the parents and coaches on her team. Hopefully a lot more will join in the discussions.
I have also been telling people about the site. It is a nice place to vent or ask questions! Welcome to the chalk bucket!:p

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