Hip problems

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Oct 2, 2008
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Hey, I have some problem with my hips.
The first one is, sometimes after I do something where my legs swing far apart my left hip feels and starts beating... like a heart beat in my hip. And then I have clicking in my hips and I can feel pop in to place sometimes. Also, I'm trying to learn splits, and whenever I start trying them my hips feel weird, like they ache or something... after I do them for awhile they don't hurt after though.
You should probably talk to your doctor to find out what's going on. You don't want to ignore something potentially serious, especially when doing gymnastics.
I think I get a similar thing that you described with the pop. Like my left hip pops when I do a straddle glide kip on bars or a straddle up on floor. Also sometimes if I am going to press to handstand from a straddle hold on floor, my hip will hurt so I will lay on my back and it will pop then it wont hurt anymore when I retry the straddle hold. If you find an answer that would be great. I guess I have just learned to deal with it but it still hurts... a lot.:rolleyes:
I get hip popping too. E.g. when we're doing V-ups, after a while my right hip will pop (sometimes my left does but not often). It doesn't really affect me anymore aslong as i avoid things that make it bad like switch leg V-sits. Loads of stuff used to make it happen - before i couldnt even do front walkovers or leg kicks because of it and at one point couldn't even lift my leg. And it isn't just a pop - it's a loud thud!! And i used to be in so much pain with it. But i had some time off gym and it's ok now. If it gets bad, i just take a few days off gym and rest it, and it'll be back to normal.

As silly as it may sound i won't go to the doctor about it as i KNOW they WILL tell me to quit gymnastics, which i'm not gonna do. I don't get any pain with it anymore and it doesn't pop as much anymore and i'm sensible enough to take time off, rest it and let it get better if i ever have any problems with it :)
As previously said, you should go to your doctor.

Ive had girls who have had similar problems and it has been something minor like a tight IT band (but good to know, so you can stretch it and warm it up properly), and it's been as bad as the hips resting improperly due to the early stages of scoliosis.

It takes just a little bit of your time to talk to a doctor about it vs. taking a month or more off from the sport for a preventable injury.

As previously said, you should go to your doctor.

Ive had girls who have had similar problems and it has been something minor like a tight IT band (but good to know, so you can stretch it and warm it up properly), and it's been as bad as the hips resting improperly due to the early stages of scoliosis.

It takes just a little bit of your time to talk to a doctor about it vs. taking a month or more off from the sport for a preventable injury.

Thanks for the info.
I already have gone to the docters for hip popping and paine. He said I need to strengthen my hips. The way all my hip problems started was when I was at the beach one day, and a big wave crunched my back into a U and it hurt my hip too... that was befor I started streaching so my back and hips weren't very flexible. I do have scoliosis too though.
Both of my hips pop when they go out to the side. My doctor said that it is a ligament rubbing on the ball at the top of the hip.
I would recommend the Dr as well.

I have problems w/ my hips due to scoliosis. When I am doing warm ups w/ my Rec girls - I cannot do the 'spiderman' stretches- I get stuck :D
i have hip problems, too. I went to a doctor and he said that my hips are rotated forewards and so it makes it really easy for me to tear muscles in my hips. Because of this, i can't do any straight leg raisers like v-ups or leg lifts on bars. If i do my splits too hard, or do any sorts of thing that would strengthen my hip flexors, my hips will kill, and then the muscles tear, and i'm out for a month or so. My hips used to pop and 'get stuck', but since i haven't been doing any strengthening, they don't do it anymore. I don't know what to tell you, but i'd say go to a doctor. I went to a chiropractor who also has a background in medicine. He took x-rays and did some other stuff to figure it out. :)
I get hip popping too. E.g. when we're doing V-ups, after a while my right hip will pop (sometimes my left does but not often). It doesn't really affect me anymore aslong as i avoid things that make it bad like switch leg V-sits. Loads of stuff used to make it happen - before i couldnt even do front walkovers or leg kicks because of it and at one point couldn't even lift my leg. And it isn't just a pop - it's a loud thud!! And i used to be in so much pain with it. But i had some time off gym and it's ok now. If it gets bad, i just take a few days off gym and rest it, and it'll be back to normal.

As silly as it may sound i won't go to the doctor about it as i KNOW they WILL tell me to quit gymnastics, which i'm not gonna do. I don't get any pain with it anymore and it doesn't pop as much anymore and i'm sensible enough to take time off, rest it and let it get better if i ever have any problems with it :)

An oldie but a goodie:

"Pain is the body's way of telling you something's wrong."

Im dealing with a situation in my gym right now of a girl who ignored a lot of her pain and didnt let anyone (even her parents) know, and it's coming back to bite her in the rear. She's missed the first month of season, and is out for at least another 3 weeks. If you body hurts at ALL, you NEED to address it. It might not be as bad as you think, and if it is it certainly can be treatable. If you are physically able to do gymnastics, then there is little reason your doctor would ever tell you to stop.

The other issue that many of us deal with is Doctors who do not understand the sport. They think gymnastics and they see Shawn J. popping a double double on floor - if their gut reaction is to pull you out, explain what you are doing in the sport in plain english, and help them understand what it is you actually do. They may be more willing to work through physical therapy to help heal your injuries.

Take care of yourself. Your body is a temple.
Thanks for all the replys.

When I went to the Dr. He said to strengthen my hips, he didn't take x-rays or anything, but maybe I should try harder to make them strong.
Thanks for all the replys.

When I went to the Dr. He said to strengthen my hips, he didn't take x-rays or anything, but maybe I should try harder to make them strong.

Did you go to a PT to get proper strengthening exercises? He/she would be able to help get you exercises to fix your specific problem.
Did you go to a PT to get proper strengthening exercises? He/she would be able to help get you exercises to fix your specific problem.
No, I didn't go to one. The Dr. told me to do leg lifts in all directions though.
Hey, thanks for posting this. I have similar popping problems... I think ?

Like when your doing the splits do you pop before you can go farther? Or just lifting your leg up to the side? Or turning your feet/leg to the Left or Right?
Hey, thanks for posting this. I have similar popping problems... I think ?

Like when your doing the splits do you pop before you can go farther? Or just lifting your leg up to the side? Or turning your feet/leg to the Left or Right?
I don't think my hips pop when I do the splits, but they feel stiff at first and kinda sore. When I lift my legs to the side and in other directions I feel it pop though.

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