Okay, when I say home gym we are not really saying gymnastics gym.
We are wanting to turn our childrens play room into a mini gym for them. And by this i mean monkeybars, rock wall, and a rope to climb if that makes sense. And a punching bag for the boys lol. As well I thought about a low floor balance beam.
The kids are all little (toddlers) my dd who is almost five does a little gymnastics. And my three year old has low muscle tone and is in therapy to work on building it. We as the parents are very physically fit and our children see the importance of fitness in our lives and we want to give them a fun room to go and play yet be physically fit.
On another note we live in a housing addition where swing sets are not allowed. So we cant just get a cool swing set for outside and this is partially why we are looking to bring it indoors. The room is a good size and has 10 foot ceiliings.
Just looking for advice of where to get stuff, great websites, ect. thanks!!

The kids are all little (toddlers) my dd who is almost five does a little gymnastics. And my three year old has low muscle tone and is in therapy to work on building it. We as the parents are very physically fit and our children see the importance of fitness in our lives and we want to give them a fun room to go and play yet be physically fit.
On another note we live in a housing addition where swing sets are not allowed. So we cant just get a cool swing set for outside and this is partially why we are looking to bring it indoors. The room is a good size and has 10 foot ceiliings.
Just looking for advice of where to get stuff, great websites, ect. thanks!!