Hours in the gym?

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Proud Parent
Apr 27, 2009
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What is the hours your gym requires the team girls to practice at each level? Do you feel the time is 100% productive at those hours?

My gym
Lvl 4 6 hours
lvl 5 12 hours
lvl 6 16 hours
lvl 7-9 25 hours

Personally, I feel there would be alot of downtime for the girls and that maybe less hours in the gym on a more intense training would be more beneficial.

I am curious of how many sucessful gyms are out there that require less hours, espcially at the optional level.
At our gym L4-5 go 9 hrs a week and L7-10 go 20 hrs a week. PREP Gold (our only PREP team) goes 13 hrs per week. (PREP Gold is used as a bridge between L5 and L7 as we don't have an L6 team. Either you go to PREP for a yr after L5 OR score out of L6 and go right to L7)
AT J's gym it is:

L4- 12 hrs with option of adding extra day for 16hrs total
L5- 16hrs
L6- 16 hrs
L7- 20 hrs
L8- 20 hrs

No current 9's or 10's (whole optional team left, they are rebuilding)
Low levels equal to level 4 6 hours
Next level 9 hours
mid levels about level 6-7 15 1/2 hours
Level 8 and up 19 hours with the option to work out when needed.
Quite frankly, I think the 20+ hours per week folks a taking too much of the kid's childhood away. People keep forgetting these are children. I've seen 20+ hours per week at level 4 in some gyms. I think they're nuts.
7s & 8s go 16 hrs
9s & 10s go 20 hrs.

Not sure anymore about the lower levels. Our gym does fairly well--two of our 3 level 10s that competed AA at Regionals made it to Nationals, so that's pretty good. One of our 8s made Super 8 and one level 9 just barely missed Westerns (by 0.05!).
Level 4s- 5 hours
Level 5s & 6s- 6 hours
Level 7- 9 hours

And that's why I loved my YMCA.
level 3: 4-6 hours
level 4: 10 1/2 hours
level 5-9: 14 1/2 hours

At my gym, we had our only level 8 make it to regionals. She has only been here since late December, though. All of the level 7s made it to statesa And our level 4 team (now all level 5's) placed 9th at states, and all had very high scores! Everyone used to think that our gym wasn't very good, but our old coach left, and our two current coaches are AMAZING, and so i think our gym does very well with our hours!
in my gym

Lvls 1 -3 go 5hrs a week
State lvls 4 - 6 go 10hrs
NDP lvls 4 -7 (we don't have any 8 9 or 10 and im not even sure about lvl 7) go roughly 20.5 hrs a week (too much if you ask me)
Last edited:
Levels 4-6 go 17 hours a week or a little less (TOPS go more)
Level 7 21 hours
Level 8 21-23 hours
Level 9, 10 and Elite go up to 32 hours.

Most of our 8, 9, and 10's won at least one gold at Regionals.

Level 1-- 1.5 hrs
Level 2-- 3 hrs
Levels 3 and 4 (non-sanctioned)-- 4 hours
Sanctioned level 4-- 7.5 hrs
Levels 5 and 6-- 9 hours
Level 7-- 12 hrs

nothing higher right now than level 7
for us
level 4- 8 hours (i think)
level 5&6- 12 hours
level 7, 8, 9,- 20 hours

We currently don't have any level 10's but level 9's are training for level 10 next season.
in my gym

level 1-3's - 5 hrs but a couple do 7.5

level 4-6 (national developement) - between 18 and 20 hrs

level 4-6 (open state stream) - 10 hours but many of us do gym in school and some do an extra day so can add up to 16 hrs

there used to be level 10's in our gym a few years back and they trained 32+ hrs!
My gym is pretty laid back about hours (most gyms in the area are). :rolleyes:

Pre-team (Levels 1-3): 4 hours
Level 4: 9 hours
Level 5: 9 hours
Level 6: 12 and a half hours
Level 7: 12 and a half hours
Level 8: 13 hours
Level 9: About 16 hours?

Practices are 3 to 3 and half hours each.

Personally I don't think any of the levels above 4 get enough practice time... I would have level 5 at 12 hours, level 6 at 14 and level 7, 8, and 9 at around 15, 16, and 18, respectively.

However, a few of the level 5s attend level 6 practices every now and then, so that helps.
Level 8 21-23 hours
Level 9, 10 and Elite go up to 32 hours.

Most of our 8, 9, and 10's won at least one gold at Regionals.


Going 32 hours, they should be winning Regionals!!
In our gym, Levels 8-10 do 24 hours a week;
Levels 5-7 do 18 hours (way too much as they're there 6 days a week for compulsories!!)
For us

Level 1 - 4 hours
Level 2 - 6 hours
Level 3 - 9 hours
Level 4 - 14 hours
Level 5-6 - 16 hours
Level 7-10 - 20 hours

This is about average for gyms around here, most would be around the same. The time is very productive, the girls are working all the time.
Level 3 - 5 hours
Level 4 - 8 hours
Level 5 and up - 11 hours for the provincial stream
Level 5/6 - 8 hours for the regional stream.
Pre-Team - 6 Hours
Level 4 - 9 Hours
Level 5 - 12 Hours
Level 6 - 16 Hours
Levels 7-10 - 20+ Hours
Level 8 21-23 hours
Level 9, 10 and Elite go up to 32 hours.

Most of our 8, 9, and 10's won at least one gold at Regionals.


Going 32 hours, they should be winning Regionals!![/QUOTE]

Yes, like I said, most of then won at least one event at Regionals, if not more. :)


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