Parents Hours per level?

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My older DD trains 29 hours a week in the summer, she's training level 8 (20 during the school year). Younger DD goes 3 hours a week in pre-team. I'm enjoying the 3 hours while I can, it's not going to last.
I agree Oopski, I'm trying to take advantage of every extra moment I get my Dd since I know it won't last....right now she goes about 17 hours a week and on Sundays I don't let her out of my sight lol.
Another thing to consider will be if your DD does TOP's or any other additional programs the gym might have. My DD is a level 5 and does 4 hours a day 4 hours a week for team with an additional 5.5 to 6 hours a week for TOP's.
I don't know what's normal because we are brand new to the competitive gymnastics world (dd10 just started gymnastics in December 2015 after quitting classical ballet) but she was just moved to team. Our Level 3 team requirement for summer is 11.5 hours a week. I don't know if/how much that may change in the school year. Given that dd is older and used to high-hour commitments with her ballet experience, I think it is the perfect amount of time. I don't know that I would have loved it for her at age 8 which is the most common age for her level at this gym. She only did pre-team for about 1-2 months, but she did the max hours allowed at about 6 a week.
Level 8,9 - 25 hour
Level 10-25 hours
Jr/Sr. - 28 hours
And these are not really in stone. if Alex doesn't finish her program set out for the day/week, then she has to stay and finish. So some days for instance if she is having a bad bar day - she could be there an extra hour.
I have two training level 10. My dd goes 22-25 hrs a week, kinda like kitkat's, if her assignment isn't finished, she stays. She also has three to four coaches on any given day and only about 6 girls in her training group. My ds goes 18, but he's at a gym with an olympian and quite a few future stars and jr national team kids. Of course, his group are all teens and there's only 7 of them with about 2-3 coaches rotating them through. THey are also hard and disciplined workers. I think it's the size of the training group/ratio to coaches rather than time. If you have 10 littles for instance training level 3 with one coach, a two hour practice probably isn't going to accomplish a lot. ALso, how are they ordering the stations/practice. Time management is key.
At our gym, it is 7.5 hours a week for L3-L8 and Xcel Gold-Platinum.

There was a girl (age 8) at our little rec gymnastics camp that trains L4 at one of the "big" gyms in the area and she goes 20 hours a week for the summer and will drop down to 14 hours for the school year.
Their team (school year hours):
L2 - 8.5 hours
L3 - 10.5 hours
L4 and L5 - 14 hours
L6 - 17.5 hours (no clue why L6 goes longer than L7)
L7 - 17 hours
L8-L10 - 18.5
XB- 5 hours
XS - 9 hours
XG - 11 hours
XP/XD - 14.5 hours
Our gym is on the lower end for hours, typically.

We no longer have a level 2 team.

Pre-team 3 hours
Level 3 4 hours
Level 4 9 hours
Level 5 11 hours
Level 6-8 15.5 hours
preteam- 3 hours
level 2- 4 hours
level 3- 6 or 9 (the 3rd day is optional)
level 4- 9 hours
level 5- 12 hours

Ours is most similar to this -seems to be on the low end:

lvl 3 -9 hours
lvl 4 -9 hours
lvl 5 -12 hours
6 and up -15 hours
My DD is level 1, they train 2x week, 3 hours each time. Level 2 train 3x week, 3 hours each time, level 3 3x week, 4 hours each.
My dd is lvl 4. They go 3x a week 4 hours each.

Our lvl 2's r 6
Lvl 3 was 9

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