WAG Houston School schedule

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In elementary school, the teachers think of the schedule themselves. 2 breaks a day. In middle/high school, you have one schedule for every day. So every Monday is the same, every Tuesday etc. Every hour is 50 minutes. We have a break after 3rd,5th and 7th hour.

I thought it was pretty usual to have at least 2 breaks a day...
My high school switched the time of classes. We had 7 classes a semester, but only 6 each day.

day 1 - ABCDEF
day 2 - BACGDE
day 3 - CBAFGD

and so on. there wad a 7 day revolving schedule with periods a,b,c always in the morning, e,f,g always in the afternoon and d rotated through the whole day.

You got used to it, but there would have been no way to leave an hour early every day because you would miss multiple classes through the week.
Just curious? Does this mean that in your schools kids have the same subjects in the same period every day? So they might have PE last period every day?

Don't know how our teachers would feel about that. Our schools have the kids do their lessons in a different order every day of the week. Kids do better at different times of the day, seems unfair for which ever teachers have the kids at a difficult time of day.

That varies school to school. Our middle and high schools rotate periods like yours- F period, for example, can be in the morning one day and afternoon another. It confuses me, but the kids do fine with it and it makes sense academically for the reasons you mentioned. It also helps make sure kids who have a standing appt for speech or therapy or something else don't always miss the same subject.
For the upper grades, there are many different models for how schools work, but I’m unaware of any that change class times on a regular basis.

My older (HS age) D’s school does this. So on a day when Class A is first period, class B will be second period that day, class C is third period, etc. The next day, class F (the class that was last period the previous day) will be first period, class A will be second period, class B will be third period, etc.

The benefit of this schedule is that kids don’t always have the same class at the beginning of the day (when the may be sleepy) or at the end of the day (when they may be antsy and unfocused).
Does Texas have the psychomotor gifted designation? That is helping my son a lot right now. His school does 7 classes on Monday and then odd on Tues/Thurs and even on Wed/Fri. So he will have 6/7 off periods next year and will practice 2-6 or 1:30-630. Verdict is still out on times. He will have to do some online summer classes and maybe online during the year to make sure he gets all of his graduation requirements but this should work. He still has 5 classes a semester.
Does Texas have the psychomotor gifted designation? That is helping my son a lot right now. His school does 7 classes on Monday and then odd on Tues/Thurs and even on Wed/Fri. So he will have 6/7 off periods next year and will practice 2-6 or 1:30-630. Verdict is still out on times. He will have to do some online summer classes and maybe online during the year to make sure he gets all of his graduation requirements but this should work. He still has 5 classes a semester.
Not that I’m aware of, but I really like this idea.
our state just started it a year ago, and D was designated at the end of last year. It took some work on my part, but it gives the school a little flexibility.
Most gyms that she would be late for did say that they would modify the schedule for her, and her last gym also modified the schedule for her. For a variety of reasons based on her experiences with her previous gym, she was reluctant to be the one who was different. I think that she would do it now, but when we were considering the switch, she wanted to fit in with the new gym as much as possible.
What I don’t is why she ya the only having this issue? With those being typical school schedules, lots of girls should have trouble with those training times.
If she is in HISD and looking to move to another gym...the vast majority of those gyms are in the suburbs and pull from suburban districts. So it is very likely a gymnast could be the only one from HISD. I have not heard about any of the other districts changing schedules. But coming late from HISD, plus the commute. ouch!
Does Texas have the psychomotor gifted designation? That is helping my son a lot right now. His school does 7 classes on Monday and then odd on Tues/Thurs and even on Wed/Fri. So he will have 6/7 off periods next year and will practice 2-6 or 1:30-630. Verdict is still out on times. He will have to do some online summer classes and maybe online during the year to make sure he gets all of his graduation requirements but this should work. He still has 5 classes a semester.
Our local school district is weird. Elementary each grade level (5 teachers) has a set schedule for the core classes (so teachers can teach all the kids on the same level of a class - highest math students go to one teacher, and so on. They do the same for reading). Then the "specials" (Computer, music, gym, art, and library) are assigned to A, B, C, D, and E days and each teacher has a different set up for specials, but they rotate in the same order. When there is a school closing, the next day is whatever the day before was supposed to be. That way nobody is "jipped" a special.
In middle school, they have A, B, and C days. Electives are every day for 9 weeks or 18 weeks, but different periods for the different grades. The core classes are where the ABC days come into it. Math / Science and Social Studies / Language Arts alternate for double periods on A/B days. On C days, they have all their classes... If Math and SS are A days, then they have Math, Science, SS, LA... in whichever order they have them each day. C days are only used if there are an odd number of days in the school week (so often on Friday).
In high school, most classes are 1 period a day. Some are 7 periods a week (2 days, they have double periods for labs). The district doesnt allow more than 1 study hall per day and gym exemption is only for High school sports or marching band... and they cant get the exemption until they have competed 2 seasons.
Mine gets one break - lunch.

Wow. I would not be okay with that. I wonder what kind of correlation this has with ADHD diagnosing. I think the kids need to move to be able to concentrate!

Elementary school kids have 45 minutes classes and 15 minutes break after every class. The kids go out to play after every class - they are required to do so. Lunch break is usually 45 minutes.

Heck, even in university we have 45 minutes lectures and 15 minutes breaks in between. Sometimes the lecturer asks if we want to go nonstop if the lecture is longer than one period but that's not the norm. I kind of wish we were required to leave the lecture room and go out during the break, because we are usually too lazy to do so :rolleyes:
What I don’t is why she ya the only having this issue? With those being typical school schedules, lots of girls should have trouble with those training times.

In our area, the level 9/10 + group schedules are generally set to accommodate the homeschoolers or the early release high school kids. We are not in Houston proper. The high school early release here is at 1:30. Dd is on the younger side. Her middle school / junior high early release is 3:00.

This would not be an issue if DD were a little older or was training at a little lower level. Honestly, I can understand why a lot of parents decide to homeschool at this point.
Heck, even in university we have 45 minutes lectures and 15 minutes breaks in between. Sometimes the lecturer asks if we want to go nonstop if the lecture is longer than one period but that's not the norm. I kind of wish we were required to leave the lecture room and go out during the break, because we are usually too lazy to do so :rolleyes:

In the US universities I’ve attended, a 3-credit class met either 3x/week for 50 minutes each, or 2x/week for 75 minutes each. There were 15 minute breaks between classes, but only because campuses tend to be large enough that it can take that long (or longer) to move between buildings. In undergrad, I recall a time when I was unable to take 2 particular classes back-to-back because I literally would have been unable to get to the second class from the first within 15 minutes.

Then in grad school, we frequently had 3-hour-long classes once a week, with a short break in the middle.

It’s really interesting to read how this type of thing varies from school to school, and country to country!
We asked...they said no. :(

Did they give you an explanation for this? My oldest has used TTISD. We are planning on using it for our gymnast for foreign language and to avoid doubling up on math, so that she can stay in the elective of her choice and maintain her PE waiver. Her school counselor approved.

Another option we were given by the counselor was summer school. It’s not ideal. Ours runs until 1:00, and requires 15 people to open a class.
So is it normal for your schools only to give middle and High school students one break per day?

That is different. All our students from Prep right through to 12th Grade get 2 lunch breaks each day. Usually Morning Tea/recess in the morning around 10:30 and Lunch/recess around 12;30ish.

How are your students not starving with only 1 food break each day!
One 20 min lunch break per school day. And yes...she spent most of her day hungry.
That is crazy!

Our Primary school students (k-6) get 2 lunch/play breaks a day (totally 1 hr and 25 mins of breaks)

And our high school students also get 2 x lunch/recess breaks during the day (total 1 hour and 15 minutes)
That is crazy!

Our Primary school students (k-6) get 2 lunch/play breaks a day (totally 1 hr and 25 mins of breaks)

And our high school students also get 2 x lunch/recess breaks during the day (total 1 hour and 15 minutes)

It is about the same here in the UK. Not sure they could concentrate all day with one break.

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