Does Texas have the psychomotor gifted designation? That is helping my son a lot right now. His school does 7 classes on Monday and then odd on Tues/Thurs and even on Wed/Fri. So he will have 6/7 off periods next year and will practice 2-6 or 1:30-630. Verdict is still out on times. He will have to do some online summer classes and maybe online during the year to make sure he gets all of his graduation requirements but this should work. He still has 5 classes a semester.
Our local school district is weird. Elementary each grade level (5 teachers) has a set schedule for the core classes (so teachers can teach all the kids on the same level of a class - highest math students go to one teacher, and so on. They do the same for reading). Then the "specials" (Computer, music, gym, art, and library) are assigned to A, B, C, D, and E days and each teacher has a different set up for specials, but they rotate in the same order. When there is a school closing, the next day is whatever the day before was supposed to be. That way nobody is "jipped" a special.
In middle school, they have A, B, and C days. Electives are every day for 9 weeks or 18 weeks, but different periods for the different grades. The core classes are where the ABC days come into it. Math / Science and Social Studies / Language Arts alternate for double periods on A/B days. On C days, they have all their classes... If Math and SS are A days, then they have Math, Science, SS, LA... in whichever order they have them each day. C days are only used if there are an odd number of days in the school week (so often on Friday).
In high school, most classes are 1 period a day. Some are 7 periods a week (2 days, they have double periods for labs). The district doesnt allow more than 1 study hall per day and gym exemption is only for High school sports or marching band... and they cant get the exemption until they have competed 2 seasons.