Parents How do I locate TOPs gyms in my state? (New York)

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Jun 2, 2022
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My daughter was recently invited to join the TOPs program at our gym and she's really excited about it. We live in NYC and are staying here for the next year, but we're planning a move after that. We are somewhat flexible with location, but need to stay within an hour or two of the city. We'd like to target areas with gyms that have a TOPs program, preferably in the Hudson Valley or Connecticut. I'm new to this, and I guess I'm hoping there's one central database that lists all the TOPs gyms, haha. Or do I need to just inquire directly with each gym?
Honestly I don't think there is any centralized database. Gyms that participate in TOPs vary from year to year. My piece of advice is not to worry about finding a gym that does TOPs. Just look for a gym that has a solid track record of developing athletes to L10 and/or elite. Look in the area that you want to move to, see the gym(s) and look up on MSO or Mymeetscores how that gym has performed. With a little bit of sleuthing you reasonably deduct the strong gyms. Then of course visit those gyms.

You can find a lot of mixed opinions around here about TOPs and they are all valid. Some gyms really just view it as an additional revenue stream and just a mechanism to charge for extra practice/conditioning. Other gyms are more sincere about using TOPs to develop the athlete. Still, even then there are mixed reviews on the benefits of TOPs since a significant component seems to focus on physical ability (can they do a rope climb) versus actual skills. I do believe a gym that does it right can really help with a solid foundation on form. But in the long run I think you are better served with a gym that does a good job of athlete development, they will get you where you need to be, whether that is elite or DP and don't worry if they do or do not have a TOPs program.
Honestly I don't think there is any centralized database. Gyms that participate in TOPs vary from year to year. My piece of advice is not to worry about finding a gym that does TOPs. Just look for a gym that has a solid track record of developing athletes to L10 and/or elite. Look in the area that you want to move to, see the gym(s) and look up on MSO or Mymeetscores how that gym has performed. With a little bit of sleuthing you reasonably deduct the strong gyms. Then of course visit those gyms.

You can find a lot of mixed opinions around here about TOPs and they are all valid. Some gyms really just view it as an additional revenue stream and just a mechanism to charge for extra practice/conditioning. Other gyms are more sincere about using TOPs to develop the athlete. Still, even then there are mixed reviews on the benefits of TOPs since a significant component seems to focus on physical ability (can they do a rope climb) versus actual skills. I do believe a gym that does it right can really help with a solid foundation on form. But in the long run I think you are better served with a gym that does a good job of athlete development, they will get you where you need to be, whether that is elite or DP and don't worry if they do or do not have a TOPs program.
Thank you so much. This is super helpful!
My piece of advice is not to worry about finding a gym that does TOPs. Just look for a gym that has a solid track record of developing athletes to L10 and/or elite.

I would agree with this.

There are gyms that develop elites without TOPs and there are clubs that do TOPs but have never had an elite.

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